Adoring Dessie

Oct 30, 2004 20:55

Ode to Goldfish, by the Bard Dessie
With the river running through the woods a little fishy swims,
the big ol bear tried to catch but he forgot how to swim!
One day in the woods the fishy hit a rock,
the rock was a turtle bed that gave a shock.
The turtle tried to snap the fish,
but he was just too quick,
but days later he found a net of a mean old fisherman.
Once along the trail the figherman carried him,
across the lands far far away,
to a little girl who was glim.
Once the girl met the fish she perked as bright as the sun,
the fish was scared as he was new to the land as kissing is to a nun!
But as days passed the fish grew to the girl like nuts to a squirrell,
and they became qutie a pair.
Fishy became very happy and felt safe from bears,
no more fear and no more tears the fishy was away from all bears.
And once again the fish found home and it wasnt with a gnome,
but a little girl in her room and never knew a thing as gloom,
so my tale comes to an end, and I bow to thee.... The END!
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