When I fuckup, I fuck up royally. Here's to you being alive, and here's to me being too smitten with you. Let's just hope these nihilistic habits don't continue.
What's next? and What the fuck am I doing with my life? I am happy to see 90% of my friends go to college and 60% of them off in another city. It must be nice, as for me, I'll be here in Brunswick, working my ass off. I'm giving myself a one year deadline that I will be out of this town by September of 2010. I need to get my things together and leave some people behind. It will be for the best. I need fresh air and room to enjoy it. Living in my parent's laundry room isn't very becoming of me. I must get on a schedule that is in synch with the rest of the world. Seems as if everyone in Live Journal is doing great, and I'm happy to see the positive posts. I, as well, am extremely content.
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