"Defiant"-A Star Trek Fanfiction. Prelude.

Jul 15, 2011 05:04

"Defiant" by ansley15
Fandom: StarTrek2009
rating: PG for this chapter, but rating will go up ALOT.
Parings: Kirk-Spock friendship and pre-slash (later slash), Chekhov/Sulu, Scotty/Uhura, Gaila/Kirk, Kirk/Gary Mitchell. Also a friendship/gen fic about the crew.
Summary: A correctional facility for juvenile delinquents was the last place Spock planned to be spending his golden years, much less meet the group of friends who became his family, and the boy who was a walking revolution.

Warnings: will eventually include violence, mentions of terrorism, drugs, sexual situations with teenagers (including explict slash), mentions of abuse, mind torture, and angst. Oh, and un-betad. If you think you might want to beta for me, let me know, I appreciate all the help/feedback I can get :)


Even if you knew, you'd never really know.

Precisely as a pulse numbers flick across the screen,

12 seconds to impact...11 seconds to impact...9 seconds to impact....

And understanding is a lot to ask in this mad, mad world in which we live. But if ever there is a part of you that needs to know why I flew into the fire the same minute you first breathed... naked, slimmed in mucus, screaming raw your newborn lungs...

As much as any of us ever understands anything, I hope you come to understand.

The last words are for her.

“Sweetheart, I love you.”


“I love you so, so much.”

Down in a blaze of fucking glory.

Jim Kirk was born with the suicide genes. Frighteningly free as a tumbleweed, he passed through people and planets alike. Yet always that shadow loomed hot on his heels:
“Your father was captain of a starship for 12 minutes. He caused the deaths of 800 innocent people. I dare you to live that down.”

Continue to Chapter 1

au, het, star trek, fanfiction, slash

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