Title: all the gates of love you won't walk through Fandom: Katekyou Hitman Reborn! Rating: PG Pairing: 5918, 5939, 5980 Notes: I had free time for once @.@ It's a miracle!!
Title: Vongola Wedding Fandom: Katekyou Hitman Reborn! Pairing: 8059, 327 + K...kinda... Rating: NC-17, just to be safe Words: 8,691 Notes: thought up in the shower. What is up with me and weddings recently?? I do not claim charges for brain damage for repeating motifs. Please kindly injure your head upon some other fandom's wall.
I realize what's wrong now. It's not that I've been haunting the hitman_reborn community too much - it's that it's all about yaoi there. I need het stuff. I just...have to take a break from all the yaoi. With the exception of the reborn_flashfic story, the office-worker story, and maybe the...yeah, the-one-that-cannot-yet-be-named (TOTCYBN?), the rest will be either gen
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