Title: Momoiro Kaihatsuki
Circle: NALIS
Pairing: 8059
Rating: NC-17 (with a cover like that, what do you expect...)
Pages: 50
Thanks so much to
ravenlock_3 for her help cleaning this one.
Hmmyeah, I guess I should update that list now that I've posted two of these. I do hope nobody else has done it already, I think I went far back enough into the doujin archives I missed on the comm...
So here you go,
happy downloading....
Does anybody know if Cotton Candy did anything in the 8059box at the YamaGoku event last...what, February? March? Cuz I have the book but I'm an idiot at kanji. Or maybe I'm just not looking hard enough for "Huyuko Aoi", which seems to be her other penname...