Title: Kirakira to Kagayaku Mono (Part 1)
Circle: NALIS
Pairing: 8059
Rating: NC-17 (more in the second part, but...I figured might as well put the warning here too)
Pages: 47
Long time no see.
As you can see, this is two parts. I've finished the second part too, so I'll be posting that soon...
Pretty much extremely NALIS in storyline as far as I'm concerned. I actually have a second copy of this, if anybody wants to buy it - completely new, even. No second copy of the second part, though.
(Am I just an exception or...is NALIS in practically every single anthology I've bought so far?)
Uh, yeah, so here's the link:
Hahahaha Mediafire~ ----------
In other news:
- Prop 8 should have died before it hit the ballots, IMHO.
- The epic-that-just-won't-quit is now 43 pages long, single spaced, 10-font. With no end in sight. *slams head* Fuck can it just STOP GIVING ME NEW IDEAS and let me finish my JET app first?! I need to go to Japan next year to buy more doujinshi.
- I am currently failing all classes, including Classical Japanese. I never thought I would feel so utterly apathetic towards a Japanese language class...but the impossible has happened now. Haha.
- Died laughing when I saw the below movie:
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