Why is it my carnivorous plants always want to bloom in winter?
Last year it was my Drosera adelae that decided to flower out-of-season. This year, it is my Sarracenia purpurea. Sarras are temperate! It should be going dormant for the winter! Argh!
But here is the flower starting to open.
On a less weird note,
the Nepenthes of unknown type that I rescued from doom at Lowes last year is doing fine. It has lovely color. I still have no idea what species/hybrid it could be. It looks decidedly different from my other one. This one has pitchers only about 4" long at most, and of a very different shape from my first. It is so cute!
And yes, the Sarra blooming is the one I rescued at the same time as the Nep... I guess it is just happy. I hope it survives the winter, since it has decided to bloom now.