We'll be departing Hampton in the morning. The
Blackbeard Pirate Festival was just as busy as last year. Unlike last year, it didn't rain. Also unlike last year, the festival was open on Friday aternoon. We didn't know that it would be when we got there. We arrived at 11am on Friday, only to be told that we would be open at noon! Yipes! We unpacked quick, and spent the day selling while not even dressed in our proper pirate garb. Ah well, it was a good weekend anyhow. I picked up a few (inexpensive) gifts for the roommates, Phil, and my Thursday night gamers, since I've been gone so long.
Tomorrow we head north to Washington D.C., in order to see the
Hidden Treasures of Afghanistan exhibit. I'm really looking forward to that.
We found another decent restaurant down here tonight;
Sam's Steak & Spaghetti House. They were really friendly, and we got good service despite being the only ones there, and coming in right before closing time. I appreciated that. And the food was pretty good too. We picked up some homemade greek desserts to go, that we'll try tomorrow sometime. There certainly are a lot of famil-owned greek restautants around here!