Things around here have not been completely boring lately.
We actually got a game together on Monday. I was pleasantly surprised at how good the mod was. I hadn't had high hopes for the Emerald Society IKs, but they might do a decent job after all. Oh, sorry, thats part of the Living Arcanis game, for those that don't know.
The house two down from us got re-roofed this week, including re-decking. It was long past overdue. I'm glad to see work being done on other houses, at it improves the neighborhood as a whole. It was just surprising to get awoken by the sounds of construction. Now if the empty houses on either side of us would get something done to them...
On the home front,
trouble131's fiance is interviewing for a new job, and we're starting to look at finances and possible projects for the upcoming year. Insulation seems to be at the top of the list. The heating bills the past couple months have been extremely high. We also need to fix the vent cover in the attic and install an attic fan, among a long list of other less-important things.
Yesterday the roomies invited a bunch of folks over for potluck and socializing, which was quite cool. I'm still surprised we can get such a large party together with such relative ease. I got to see JC again, which made me happy. I'm glad to see he's moving on and getting over his wife's passing last year.
The one thing that wasn't nice at all was to realize how much my old friend JC and I are drifting apart. I know he's never been a real fan of my Boss' family. But yesterday he told me that "as a friend" he was concerned, and that he thought it was time "I grew up, came home, and got a real job". Wow. Part of me wanted to rail that I have a real job, but that would be childish. All I could do was sigh, say that I see his concern, and that I'm not financially jeopardizing our (my husband and mine) life. I didn't try to convince him of anything, because I know I couldn't.
I've turned a hobby (well, group of hobbies) into a job, and he doesn't see that as a viable career choice. What's worse, I'm working with people he considers emotionally immature. I consider my freelancing the best job choice I can make right now... I have a flexible schedule, so I can get projects done on the house to improve everyone's home life in the household. The money I make is small, but my job expenditure is also very small (How many jobs pay for your room and board while you are away working 3 days a week?). I get to travel and see people, so I don't got stir-crazy working on the house...
Ah well, this train of thought isn't productive. Time to put it to rest. I got a bug this morning and made a few more LOLcats...
No kitty-luv 4 U 'til cheezburger noms 4 me! (Apollo)
Just chase it, pounce it, nom it... JUST DO IT (Cerremis)
Former minion of basement cat now works for other side (Cassie)
Cult of purrrsonality (Apollo, Bishop & Cassie)