All I do now is sleep, shower, eat, work, repeat.
Where the fuck did my life go?
I feel like a zombie, I really do, not a brain eating zombie, a brain washed zombie.
Nothing exciting happens, I don't make the effort.
What would be the point if I did?
I have like... two friends, out of everyone.
Not to say I was popular, but I'm outgoing and got
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& I sure as hell don't need you to give me examples of how my brother could be dead (wtf were you thinking) or that I could be homeless, to give me a perspective on life. I know my life could be much worse, and I know far more then you do, that other people out there have a worse life, but the reason why mine isn't, and why I'm not on the street, is because I've been working my ass off and I moved out to take care of myself so that didn't happen because I refuse to let it. It's called being self sufficient, which something tells me you aren't to good in that department. I have a perspective on life, and I realize that shit happens it's part of it, you pick up the pieces and start off where you left off.
Which you do not know me, you have no idea what pieces I have, so why didn't you just listen when I said.... to be quiet PLEASE. My father is a drug addict, I've looked passed that and have still tried to call him dad even though he's a completely different person to me, he might be psychically here, but his brain is rotted, and his face is sunken in. My brother is basically gone and has been for 6 months, I can't talk to him, see him, hold him, he doesn't answer my letters, so for the moment he's missing in action. & I know what he did was wrong and he should be punished but I'm still here for him because once my grandparents are gone which are the only people in my family that is whiling to help me out, my father won't be to far off behind them, and nick, my niece, is all I'm going to have. Which means we are going to have to make a new family, the right way. So don't tell me about different perspectives, I don't think you look at life as a big picture, and I don't think you understand what life really is.
But once you've been forced to make sacrifices to survive freely away from harm, and you realize that not having a boyfriend isn't the end of the world, maybe then you can actually build and focus on your own relationships.
Then you might be able to give me advice, and see the world the way I do.
Until them, just stop while you're ahead which seeing these replies you apparently aren't getting. So just don't reply.
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