CVICU: Night float #1

Jan 10, 2015 00:17

I'm really bored right now and still have 6-7 more hours of work left, so I thought I'd take the time to post random stuff. Here's hoping everything stays quiet; I've seen 2 codes with 2 deaths in the past 2 days, and I don't need to see any more.

On a happier note, I'm super excited about my upcoming vacations!

The London trip for May is coming together well. My friends and I have tentative dates set and a long list of places and sites we wanna see. Top of the list is a side trip to Cardiff for the Doctor Who Experience. We'll also be fitting in some Sherlock and Harry Potter-related stuff as well. And of course, all the typical touristy sites we can shove in (Buckingham Palace, Big Ben, London Eye, Tower of London, etc.) Also planning a day drop to Paris and hopefully going up the Eiffel Tower and seeing the Mona Lisa. I've never been to Europe so I'm so looking forward to it.

The Japan or Hawaii trip for September/fall is still in the works. There's a tentative list of friends going but nothing's final yet. But I'll be super excited to be able to visit Japan for more than 2 days, and with people who actually wanna be there. Last time during a layover with my parents who couldn't care less about exploring Tokyo. And now that my love of Arashi has been renewed, more excitement for me!

I think when I get the chance later, I wanna do a fangirly post, since it's been so long. I've been catching up on a lot of Arashi (and some KinKi) stuff, and I could probably gush for a long time. But for now, I will sleep a little before anything happens here with my patients.
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