Rules here are simple.
1. Be nice and don't create wank.
2. Post lengthily, post often.
3. Rule #3 is sacred. You must not break it. That is all you need to know.
4. Have fun.
5. No God moding.
6. We are always open to suggestions on how to improve. Please remember that these are merely suggestions.
7. All apps must be approved by the mods before you can begin playing the character.
8. Please only play as many characters as you feel comfortable playing. Don't hold up a thread just because you don't have time.
9. If we make a suggestion, the 'suggestion' part is polite for 'veiled demand'. Most of the time.
10. As a courtesy, please observe basic spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Spellcheck is your friend.
11. Did we mention have fun?
12. No new rules are to be made unless Allie says so.
13. That includes a rule #13.