1st lj fanfic post

Apr 25, 2010 00:15

My first ever posted transformers fanfiction, with a pairing I'm not too fond of, but the bunny bit and here it is...

And, it came out kinda weird in my opinion, so hopefully when you read it, you kinda get what I was trying to do.

Comments would be appreciated and nice.

Title: Smoke and Flames
Rating: Pg-13
Pairing: Jazz/Barricade
Summary: They knew it would end explosively, though they weren't sure how.
"And then she whispered 'How can you do this to me?'"
- 'Hate Me' by Blue October

Barricade knew from the moment he met Jazz, that whatever relationship they might have would go up in smoke and flames. Jazz knew and understood that too, and said because they were so fragging good together anyways, why not have fun and go out with a bang?

Barricade had agreed, because they were so different, and yet so similar, that he could not help but want that little bit of Jazz offered to him, if only for a short amount of time. That night cycle they ended up in Barricade's berth viciously fragging each other's processors out to celebrate the beginning of their explosive relationship.

And it was definitely explosive, Barricade concluded. Not one orn went by without him doing something that Jazz did not approve of, or Jazz doing something that Barricade considered weak and pointless. But Barricade felt smug in the fact that they survived each other so long, with all the hard-headedness and head-butting aggravation they caused each other. Barricade prided himself on being the only one who was able to cause Jazz to completely loose himself to the baser instincts of needing to destroy something with some needling, and liked to believe that Jazz somewhat enjoyed those fights as well.

They had both been surprised the relationship lasted so long, each waiting for the explosive end of something that never should have lasted that long to begin with. The war provided that big explosion, with fire and brimstone and melting metal, that they had been waiting for for vorns.

Barricade figured that even if it was going to be eventual, he probably didn't need to have add his own inclination for cruelty into the mix, as it just made the explosion that much bigger.

And that much harder.


"Why?" Jazz demanded, his optics over bright behind his visor, with his fingers clenched around Barricade's throat cables, shaking him. "Why did you kill them?!"

"They were weak and wouldn't stand a chance in the world Megatron's going to create, they were going to stop him," Barricade defended, his own claws reaching and catching the sensitive cables in Jazz's sides.

Jazz gave a choked cry and tried to scramble back, only for Barricade to follow and flip them over, in a move that had been practiced and perfected in the past vorns, and leaned possessively over Jazz.

"Ya can't be serious! Megatron's gonna rip Cybertron apart!" Jazz cried, struggling in Barricade's hold. "Why?!"

"Because his way makes sense," Barricade answered, toneless, and ripped a few cables in Jazz's chasis, causing Jazz to loose control of his systems, and began to send him into a stand-by state.

Jazz's frame fell limp, and all he could do was glare as Barricade rose off of him, and began to go away.

"Here's our smoke and flames, Jazz. Tell me, do you hate me now?" Barricade mocked.

Jazz could only glare.

Barricade walked away, knowing his choice cemented what they both had acknowledged would eventually happen. It didn't stop him from hating it, but he was not meant to be an Autobot, just as Jazz was never meant to be a Decepticon.


Sometimes when he had the time to think about it, Barricade would wonder, what would have happened if the war had not had happened. If their relationship would really have gone up in smoke and flames, and they really would have ended up killing each other in their fights, or if they would have been able to continue on as they were, as they had been.

It was not something that he contemplated often, as it was dangerous thoughts such as these that could end up killing him by distraction. Barricade was able to reinforce this by facing off against Jazz whenever possible, denying anyone else the chance of killing what had once belonged to him.

So when a team was assembled to search for the Allspark and Megatron, Barricade volunteered, and guaranteed himself a spot, because Jazz would most likely end up on the Autobot team that was going for the same goal.

It was these decisions that ended up with Barricade here, on some backwater planet full of organic lifeforms, chasing after one of the organics because the puny little thing held a clue as to the whereabouts of the Allspark. It led him to a city full of the filthy organics, where they had decided to try and 'hide' the Allspark, with help of the Autobots.

It led to Jazz.

It led to Jazz, fighting against Megatron, one-on-one, trying to buy some time for their organic 'allies', the idiot. It led to Jazz being torn in half by Megatron, in a single fluid grab and twist. It led to Jazz's spark sputtering out, his frame, now in two separate parts, being tossed aside by the Decepticon Leader, like pieces of useless trash.

Barricade was able to get a glimpse of Jazz's remains before he fled, because with Megatron's defeat, there was no point in staying. Barricade couldn't help but remember that Jazz had never answered him, all those vorns ago, when the war was just starting out.

When their relationship ended with all the explosiveness of a nuclear bomb.

'Do you hate me now, Jazz?'

'... Because I do...'

fanfic, jazz, barricade, weekly challenge

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