what a mess

Oct 14, 2014 00:58

My little Miss Piggie...who shall remain nameless...left me quite a mess in her bedroom when she moved off to school. Mercy!

FOUR bags of trash out of there (most of it from under the bed). An entire basket of laundry. Afraid to look in the closet, LOL.

BUT... AJ and I did get the floors picked up, the bed frame taken apart and put back together. Blocks under the two supports that need legs and don't have any. The boxspring out to the curb for trash day, then I put the boxspring and mattress from my old set on the frame, and her pillow top mattress on top, so now the bed is tall, but nice and plushy again.

Tomorrow I will make sure the dresser is empty and peek in the closet. Sure gonna miss that girl... but I sure hope she learns how to be neat before she is grown. (shaking head) Wow.

AJ kinda wants to move into that room (although he wants the butterfly appliques off the walls and a good coat of paint) as long as he can still keep his bathroom. Told him I thought we might be able to work that out, but he has to be patient a bit as I have D and the baby moving back in here in December for a month or so before she heads off to school.  After that it is all his.

I will make a 'guest' room of one of the larger bedrooms, and keep the other as mine.  So much for my 'study'... but he is a teenager who has survived a house...and a lifetime... full of all sisters.  He deserves a little space to call his own.  His present room will hold the weight bench, step (for step aerobics), etc.  My study will stay in what was once intended to be the dining room, except my table is bigger than the room, ha.  I like that little room, and I am sure I will like it even more as I get the house organized and straightened around. Close to the kitchen and easily accessible for dog walks.  It works.

Next up...a trip to Goodwill for some autumn weight clothes for the retreat.  A couple of school shirts for Aedin if I can find them.  Also a lamp.  Then a trip to the $ store and to Lowe's where I need some heay duty sand paper for the antique rocking chair I am working on, some wood putty for the deeper gouges, and good paint.  Next week, when I return from writing, I need to stop at the fabric shop and find just the right fabric for the seat cushion.

Meanwhile, off to bed.  Lots of work in the morning, followed by my actual 'work' in the afternoon.  I am excited about that,  Sleep sweet all.  May the sweet sounds of autumn sing you to sleep.

aj, cleaning, rocking chair

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