Jan 21, 2013 21:52
WHERE is this month going?! I haven't even begun to figure out what I am supposed to 'do' about taxes. I don't even know what papers I need. I never had to 'do' taxes! That was David's job. (observe total panic setting in) What if I don't have whatever I am supposed to have? How do I 'get' whatever is missing? This isn't going to be good, I just know it.
~~~~ (this is the break I mentioned, lol)~~~~
Next up: Dog tags. I am sure they need them every year. I will ask the vet.
Then setting up gardens. I have pretty much settled on long vegetable beds along the sideyard fence. It gets the most sunshine, is easily accessible from the kitchen, and if I put the garden outside the fence...the dogs won't trample the garden. Now to figure out how much topsoil I will need for this year and how to get it here, since I won't have a decent amount of compost till next year. Also will need to build some manner of containment...even just a simple wooden frame would do at this junction. And then decide how I am going to (eventually) landscape around this so that it remains attractive from the road on that side of the house. Not trying to 'hillbilly' my house, just want a good big garden so we have lots of fresh produce. I do think I will need 'fencing' to keep the dogs out of the garden on the inside of the fence. Sunny vegies on one side, those that can use some shade on the other.
And the keyhole. Somewhere. Once I collect enough rocks and bricks and stones to build the foundation walls. Could use pallets for the actual 'keyhole' entry. Got to figure out where to get those too.
Need to grow all kinds of greens: lettuces, kale, collards, chard, bok choy.... other suggestions?
Herb garden. Haven't decided on the best location for it yet.
Tomatoes (heritage) , peppers (of all kinds), broccoli, sugar snap peas... going to have to check and relearn what grows here and when. I know a lot of things I used to plant in June are winter crops here.
This is going to be an adventure!
keyhole garden,