I really like having internet friends
there is something about it
you can trust on a whole different level
there not going to call and tell your family and friends your secrets
I have trust issues
thats one of the reasons I broke up with travis before he left for nova scotia
the army I could trust
but all the other months away from me so far away
he is a bar person
he ha a crazy sex drive
I just can't even trust my best friend
my own sister
lost a pound by the way
now I am 95 pounds
thats 5 pounds in three days
I slept to much to work out
i'll be lucky not to gain the pound back
cross fingers
Ok o here is my convo with travis
I miss if very much
Ashleys stupid
she lost you
gave you away
I got you
let you go
so you could enrichen ,experience life and be there for your grandparent
I would never ask you to not leave or come back to be with me
thats selfish
exspeaslly if he realy knew you she'd no you love your grandparents and you need to do something full-filling in your life
something that has importants
I see that
you need this
thats why there was absoulutly no way in hell I was going to try to stop you
caue when you care about someone you learn to let them go
and I care deeply for you
but thats obvious
shes selfish and from what you have told me a bit on the obsessive side
If you were still here I'd still be with you
but your not
and I just had to face that realization and make a mature practical realistic choice for both our interest
and that sucks
so i'm not fucking with your head
my best-friend advice
block the obsessive chick
she's nothing but bad news
cory messed with my head and once I blocked him
he got the hint eventually
after contacting all my friends saying I was prego
but he was a crazy obssesive person so its kind of diffrent
have fun visiting your aunt judy
and i'm thrilled that there fatning you up
you need wait to be heathy
and you know i'm right
omg you know who I want to block
I have bin thinking about it
Ian fraser
hes always asking me to come over and hang out
and confessing how he messed up with me
then he becomes contradicting
it all changed when he found out I wasn't virgin
so now he's always promising to see me pick me up
and you know the truth is I have no want to
I just find it flattering
plus he's a good connection for weed
and thats for brock or you if you were still here
your my boys
I guess that makes me a bitch to him and a fantastic friend to you guys
well I can't please everyone
hope everything goes well at the recruiting center
thanks chrisa i know i can count on u to to be a bitch and keep my head straight :P i miss u nd brock prettya bad :( nd i plan on visiting b4 i leave 4 basic whenever that is haha
Is it just me or does it seem I care for him more then he cares for me
I hate this ashley chic
his ex before me
she treated him like crap
he's not
he treats girls like gold
we both always have stupid ex's wanting us back
he is my best friend as well as my ex
not many people can do that
but I guess if theres a true caring bond
and things didn't end badly
you can keep the best-friend bond
this photo reminds me of him and I getting ready in the washroom before going to see my best-friend in toronto the last week I was with him...I miss him so much
he will never know