Feb 21, 2007 23:36
being sick with superstore, safeway and save on foods i wanted to find a small local grocer in port coquitlam. i had forgotten about this small indian grocery store called fruiticana on shaugnessy street. i was mainly hoping that they would sell rice milk, unfortunately they didn't but they did sell tofu for uber cheap compared to box grocery stores and they had a wall of indian spices and sauces.
being truly happy with my find i purchased a mango and after lunch with kelsey i went home and made brown ride with black beans, mango and salsa for lunch tomorrow. can you tell i want summer to come soon? it's very fruity and delicious. i've been snacking on it while working on some paintings.
beside the grocery store is pocos cafe. i was fairly reluctant to go into this cafe but it was great! they baked all their own fruit bars and cakes and sold JJ Bean coffee. their vegetarian sandwich sounded less than appealing though consisting of cream cheese, mayo, mustard, tomato and cucumber and it was seven dollars. other than that the place was cute.
the cafe was to the right of fruiticana but to the left is mumbai sweets and restaurant. it's a tiny hole in the wall that sells the cheapest and best samosas i've ever had and no matter what you think or say i'm telling you it's true, port coquitlam sells the best samosas.
jess gave me a mini orange segment today. it was less than half the size of a regular orange segment. it was cute but not very filling obviously.
goodnight brown sugar dumplings.