Dec 07, 2005 15:47
Ok so smoking is banned. Whatever.
The reason I am irritated by this whole smoking debate is that it was passed under the guise of "oh its for our HEALTH"
Seriously, that's the argument?
So let me get this straight.
Its OK to go to a BAR to GET DRUNK on ALCOHOL, but God forbid someone wants to smoke in said bar because of YOUR health?
Alcohol has by far been a greater burden on society than cigarettes ever had. Let's make a list of how Alcohol is dangerous to your health and others:
1.alcohol poisioning (you die probably in a pool of vomit) rape (psychologically/physically harming others)
3.drunk driving (killing others and yourself)
4.unwanted/accidental pregnancy (aborted babies and unwanted children)
5.impotence (whiskey dick)
6.domestic abuse/violence (beating spouse or children)
7.assaulting others (liquid courage)
8.unemployment (alcoholics who can't keep a job)
9.cirrhosis (they need a liver? who do you think is paying for it?)
10. homelessness
there's 10 right off the top of my head. not to mention all the millions of dollars lost in productivity every year due to people missing work or coming to work hung over from getting wasted the night before.
Cigarettes cause NONE OF THE ABOVE.
So I say BAN BOOZE TODAY. Better call your alderman!!!