9:46pm: So I'm in the middle of downloading something and my wireless connection just decides to give up! Fortunately, I have a cable on hand to plug directly into said wireless router, but even though I logged onto the thing and changed the password (don't know why I didn't do that before, I'd sure as Hell never remember it!), but now my laptop can't seem to find the wireless at all.
Well, that's an ass.
In other news, my party which is supposed to happen this Saturday is not going to well re: the guest list, although Ben and Zep are coming, which is cool, but if it's only them, it's gonna be rather embarrassing. I totally should have planned ahead! What was I thinking? I had all that time off to make phone calls and everything too.
Oh well, I've completely Captain John-ified my LJ as you can see, LOL, save me from myself!
Righto, memes please!
3x Thursday
1. Do you think that a human life is just as valuable as an animal's life? Why/why not?
Well, I believe a human life is more valuable then an animal's, if I had a choice between saving my pet or saving some human I don't know...well, I'd have to save the human. But I do think animals have their place in Heaven (hey, it's not like they're gonna run out of space!)
2. Has it occured to you that maybe we're not at the top of the food chain somewhere? Does that bother you? Why/why not?
Well, if we didn't have any of the modern amenities and weapons and jazz a lot of things would probably be higher up on the food chain. But in a current state? It would have to be something out of this world.
3. What happens when we finally meet other advanced beings from some other part of the universe? Do you think we can get past our ignorance and egos to get along with other species? Why/why not?
Well, I'd like to hope so, 'cause I'd rather not die! But considering how badly we get on with each other, that could be a problem. But hey maybe they'll look so bizarre we'll be overwhelmed and having nothing to say and they'll think we're peaceful, LOL!
Booking Through Thursday
The Best
It’s a week or two later than you’d expect, and it may be almost a trite question, but … what were your favorite books from 2008?
Hmmm, well I didn't actually read that many, I did enjoy that Look Me In The Eye book until I got distracted...now I don't know where it is and I want to finish it.
Oh and the other books in the My Life is A Toilet series and The Princess Diaries series, but those didn't actually come out in 2008, so I'm not sure if they count. Let's say they do. :OD
Oh yeah, I was gonna read The Kite Runner too, never finished that one either..boy I'm coming across as total illiterate here!
In other news, have to make sure to take enough clothes and everything tomorrow as I'm spending the weekend at my parents house. That being the case I better get my ass to bed so I wake up!
And so I say, goodnight!
Reach for the laser with
Antic's Sims-ulator!