Shit, Stuff Up!

Jan 07, 2009 22:57

9:37pm: I'm so embarrassed! After work today I went down to the Telstra shop to get the charagers the Boss needs for his new phone. Unfortunately, I didn't have the piece of paper with the info on it and as it turns out I got the wrong ones! Fuuuuck! The Boss is going to be most displeased! What a complete pisser, seriously. :O(

Anywho, as you may have noticed I have a new mood theme! Which I didn't make myself, except for two pictures. Well it will be two pictures once I figure out how to put a damn border around them, seriously, I can't figure out how to do it!

Right figured that out.

So yeah, new mood theme, yay! Although the piccies are a lot smaller than I usually do, probably because the resolution is so high on this screen, so it probably looks bigger on just about everyone else's computer.

TMI Tuesday

Would you rather...' edition

1. Would you rather be stranded on an island alone or with someone you dislike/don't get along with?

Wow, that's a toughy...I mean even I need company, but with someone I don't like...I'll have to take being alone, since I can only see peril otherwise!

2. Would you rather accidentally walk in on your parents having sex or have them walk in on you?

Hmmm...well, I've done the former and managed to repress it, so I think I can do it again. :OP

3. Would you rather be snapped by paparazzi during a nipple slip or while exiting a car with out any underwear? (guys, consider similar circumstances)

Oh geeze...well, I guess I'll take the sooner, since well, I'd rather flash boob, then the downstairs area.

4. Would you rather not have sex for two years or not be able to use the Internet for two years?

Pft, no contest, no sex! It's not like I'm having it anyway. :OP

5. Would you rather find true love or 1 million dollars?

Oooh, I'm not looking for a relationship, but on the other hands, picking money over love seems like a really lame thing to do...But, yeah I'll take the cash. Shallow meee!

Bonus (as in optional): If you had to choose *one* sexual position for the rest of your life, what would it be? Why?

N/A, got no experience by which to judge.

Take5 Tuesday


1. 5 things you did for new years.

Saw the fireworks!
Met up with my friend Ben
Had an icecream
Went to my parent's get together
Saw my Uncle Lawrie and Aunt Chris

2. 5 goals you completed last year.

Kept job
Cleaned my place up, for a while...
Finally bought those BTTF Mini-mates
Wrote a full novel-lenght BTTF fanfic I'm not ashamed to show the people
Got a cool new laptop! :OD

3. 5 goals you want to complete this year.

Keep job!
Save money
Keep place of residence (wherever it is) in order
Hang out with friends more
Exercise more

4. 5 lessons you learned last year.

Be really careful driving!
Breathing calmly really does help with anxiety
I sit on my ass a lot

5. 5 things you didn’t do last year, that you want to do this year.

Be more clearheaded!
And that's all I can think of.

Wednesday Mind Hump

Hello humpers! Today we're going to talk about vacations.

1. What has been your favorite vacation?

Oh I'm sure you all know this, but seriously, having gone around the world? How can you top that?!

2. What would be your ultimate vacation? Where would you go and what would you do?

First I'd go to LA and see all the BTTF film sites!
Then to New York!
Onwards to Ireland, Britain, Italy and Malta!
And yeah that'd rock!

3. Do you prefer to fill your vacation with activities, or just take it easy?

Take it easy, which considering my generally sluggishness, I should really do more stuff. Although during my holidays this time I did spend quite a lot of time out and about, so that's cool.

Wednesday Weirdness


1.) Do you get along with your significant other's parents? If you've never met their parents or if you're single, how did you usually get along with former SO's parents?


2.) Have you ever stolen a tip from a table while eating at a restaurant? If you saw someone doing this, would you speak up or pretend you never saw anything?

What no! That's totally fucked up! If I knew the person I'd probably say something, but if it was a stranger, I probably wouldn't because I'd be too scared to!

3.) Do you have any sexual fantasies that you’d never admit to anyone?

LOL! If I did would I mention them here? :OP

4.) What smells do you find comforting?

Books! Lasagne! Yum!

5.) Do you ever resent your significant other for not earning more money? Do you ever find yourself jealous because your SO earns more money than you?


6.) If you had to wear a Halloween costume for 3 hours a day, ever day, for the rest of your life, which would it be and why?

Never worn a Halloween costume...but I suppose I wouldn't mind dressing as Miriya from Robotech with the green hair and all, it would certainly do a number on my said hair.

7.) Have you ever had sex with someone and kept a piece of their undergarments or anything else for any reason? Have you ever had someone want or try to keep something of yours?

That sounds somewhat dodgy...and now, doesn't sound like my bag.

Hey! There's a show on right now called Help! I'm a Hoarder!, which is about compulsive hoarding, which I don't think I have, because well, I have stuff I need, just not enough room for it...I don't go picking up thrown out shoes or whatever on the street! Or like the dude with 5000 bicycle parts.

I'm more lazy than anything else.

There's a lady on this that makes a good point that some things that people chuck out are perfectly good, but the thing to do would be to take it to the local op-shop/Vinnies/whatever, not take it back to your damn house, what's that gonna do?

And yikes, here's double trouble, two hoarders married each other! Not quite realising at the time...oh snap!

Although, it really does look quite bad in here...I need to do something about that! At least get rid of the dang plastic bags since they're beginning to take over again.

And now, to bed!









New Theme

Reach for the laser with Antic's Sims-ulator!

torchwood, memes, job woes, mood icons

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