10:22pm: Yes, I finally realised how to rotate a video on my phone...with the edit button! Duh! No idea how I missed that, a bit embarrassing to be honest. I've been wanting to put this video on my Cruise Album on Google Pics, I think I mentioned it before? I couldn't find that edit option on my phone before, so I uploaded it because when I searched how to rotate videos it told me you could do it on Google+, but when I did that I couldn't find any way to do it. But! Turned out the option was on the phone the whole time...so we'll get to the later.
But I should update about some current events since I've been slacking on that too. I'm rather excited to say that I've caught up on the Back to the Future comic books! I ordered issues 14 to 17 from Kings Comics on Friday and they arrived today, which was a good idea if I do say so myself because that way I only had to pay for one lot of postage. Of course, it does mean if I'm going to do that I'll even more behind than usual (Australia's all ready behind with comic books). The "Who is Marty McFly" arc was a good read although I got confused at some points, like I was missing something, LOL. I figured it out in the end though so perhaps I didn't miss anything after all. :OP
Aside from that, not a lot of excitement in the life of Moose - although today I started the process to join the new provider Mrs S is going through, which is good news, because she's leaving her old one at the end of this week and if I'm not signed up I can't get paid...or you know actually work. The only pain in the butt was the fact I left the paperwork I need (first aid certificate, police check etc) at home so I had to go from Mrs S's (which is just across the road from the providers) to pick them up so I ended up a bit late for said interview. But it all went pretty well in the end, so things should be good to go next Monday.
And finally, today is Ash Wednesday, I wasn't able to go to any of the morning masses, so I had to go to the evening one, unfortunately I misread the start time so I was at the church a whole half an hour early. Whoops.
Oh and today marked the first day of helping Mum with the Catholic Scripture class, which went pretty well considering how had to haul a heavy-ass box of books to the classroom.
When we last left off Mum, Dad, the little bro and I had just finished our lunch at Le Roof and after writing a little message in the guest book we headed back towards the bus stop to get back into town. Along the way we saw the famous Chou Chou train! (And uh...after all that I can't get the video link to work! Ugh! I'll have to do some troubleshooting tomorrow.) Very exciting! As it turned out we missed the bus so had to wait half an hour for the next one. Also it started to rain, but luckily there was a covered shopping complex near the bus stop so we went there to take a look. I thought I found a new swimsuit, but since my maths sucks I didn't realise it was actually 200 bucks! O.o Damn....they were made in France though, so I guess that's why, needless to say it was not purchased!
The bus we got back to the town centre took a different route back then the one we came in, so that provided an interesting look at the place, including the Cathederal and a large amount of petrol stations, seriously we must have passed like four of them. Not sure why they need so many, but I guess the island is bigger than what we saw, maybe they're the only ones in the place.
Upon getting back to the town centre Dad decided to go back to the ship, but Mum wanted to go to a Patisserie she hadn't got a chance to go to last time she was on the island - and also it would provide us an opportunity to buy Dad's birthday shirt (we'd looked in a few souvineer shops but nothing really stuck out, but the supermache had a yellow one that looked pretty cool). The Patisserie didn't prove to be super fancy or anything, but the strawberry torte Mum bought was delicious! Also it had a rather cool pink theme - I took a photo of
the place as we passed back on the tour bus.
The only downside to everything was that the cut on the bottom of my big toe (which I got on Mystery Island a few days before) was really hurting by this point, every step made me wince! So when we returned to the Supermache along with Cheezels (imported from Australia with a sticker on the back of the ingredients in French) and some Laughing Cow Cheese (aka La Vache qui rit) I also got a packet of Barbar bandaids, because who's more French than Barbar (a lot of things probably...)?
We also got Dad's shirt of course and supermarket cooler bag with pictures from New Calendonia on it (Dad had admired it earlier - I think his cooler bags at home are all a bit long on the tooth now) before heading back to the ship on the tour bus - although at the passenger dock before we caught the bus we saw a
green train! It may not be the official chou chou, but I got a photo with it
As I mentioned the working port wasn't the most attractive thing, but I did spot this
awesome colourful tour bus before getting back on board.
And...in typical style the weather cleared up, so I decided to go looking around it a bit - I went to the Peek-A-Boo Bridge but still no luck, the blinds were closed and then went and took a look at the
running track - I'd seen someone running on it a few days before, but after the rain it was pretty damn quiet.
By this point though my toe was so sore I decided to go to the medical facility to have it looked at. It re-opened at 4pm so I figured it wouldn't take too long...I was wrong. Good thing I took my book because I was there for like an hour! In the end I was only seen by a nurse who couldn't say if it had been cut by coral or a rock, but did give me some triple strength antibacterial cream for US$2.25 (and thankfully didn't charge me for the consultant, which they do sometimes!). The biggest disappointment was that I missed the ship leaving the actual port! However, there was pilot on board to help steer the ship out as proved by a boat marked "pilot" which I did get to see arriving, but it disappeared around the back of the ship, I wanted to see the pilot getting onto it. So I decided to go searching for it, I didn't think I took long to get to the opposite side of the ship but by the time I did any sign of the little boat was gone! Which is really weird, because I'd have thought I'd at least see it on its way back to Noumea. I never did figure out how it disappeared so fast! Maybe it went to one of the small islands, rather than back to the main port.
Anywho while I was out and about again, I decided to find my way to the Helipad on the front of the ship. It proved a bit difficult to find as there was no direct access from Deck 5 of the ship, instead you had to go to Deck 4 and go past the shuffleboard boards and a long staircase. Once up there it proved to be very windy! But quite a few people were up there taking turns at being "King of the World" at the bow. Seeing as I was by myself I forewent that and instead got a really cool
photo of the front of the ship. Google Pic's even made a little arty style
photo out of the same photo which I think came out very sharp!
After all that excitement I returned to the parental cabin to find that Mum and the little bro had gone down to guest services. Unfortunately, despite having smelled fine earlier that morning, was now quite musty and not at all pleasant. I'd noticed it a bit before we went to shore, but hadn't really thought too much about it, but now it was impossible to ignore. Apparently, the little bro had gone earlier and they'd offered to deordourise the cabin, but there was no guarantee that would work and the little bro had all ready been half way to wanting to change cabins anyway so we were offered a choice of two, either one on the opposite side of the ship and a level down with a TV that didn't quite work but a view of the promenade or one with a porthole way down on Deck 2. Whilst a window did sound interesting, there would be no islands to look at, so we went for the first one. Of course this meant we had to pack up our suitcases and stuff! However, Guest Services did arrange for a guy to come by and take said suitcases to the new cabin and Mum and Dad gave us their big suitcase so the little bro and I were able to kind of toss stuff in rather than having to do it ourselves.
They did still deordourise the room, but as the little bro pointed out, it was Eau d'MensRoom and quite headache inducing! The new room on the otherhand proved to be very loud! It was closer to the action on the Promenade and when we got there a 70s disco thing was going on out there! It was also next to an area with the crew lifts for the room attendants, so there was quite a bit of banging...The little bro was irate, but I discovered that you could pull the curtains way open on the window and get a neat view of the disco in action and it did end by 10pm at least!
It was a shame having to leave our Room Attendant on Deck 8 though, his name was Johnson (which I might have mentioned) and he was cool. But what can you do?
And so I finish our action-packed Day on Noumea!
Phew! This turned out to be a super-long entry and I better not stay up too late tonight, so I shall say goodnight!
Comic Books
Reach for the laser with
Antic's Sims-ulator!