Aug 03, 2016 23:07
10:51pm: Because I've waaaaay underestimated my internet usage, because it's only the third day of the month and I just got an SMS from my provider that I've used half of my 4GB limit for the month!
OMG! That's shocking! I had no idea I surfed that much! It's gotta be Tumblr. Definitely gonna have to avoid it at least until next Thursday - a whole 7 days still! - when I'll finally get proper internet.
In other news, the weather has gone nuts, it's blowing a gale out there and every so often the rain just pours! Man, I hope nothing floods - knock on wood.
Also my flat is looking very clean indeed as Mum came over after our Catechist lesson and made me do it. I am grateful though because it looks super nice in here.
Anywho, I better be off now, I need to figure out how to post my Sims Thing on my mobile, because I can't right now, boo.
Goodnight all!
embarrassing shit,
annoying net stuff,
clean room