Screw That Trope And Everyone Who Uses It..

Jul 24, 2015 23:50

10:51pm: What am I talking about? I'm talking about throwing up shots on TV shows, which add absolutely nothing to the story and serve only to freak out emetophobes like myself and cause no end anxiety. I'm so pissed! I don't need this after a hard weeks work. Fuck you, episode writers who think this is a good idea, fuck you and the ship you came in on.

Ahem, right I feel better for having written that, honestly, they should put warnings at the beginning if they're going to show such things, if they have to do it for blood, they should do it for that as well.

Anyway, what to say about today, well, work went well, and also the gym - since I didn't have to go to the Dee Why Library - and best of all I found out I didn't have to wait forever at Centrelink to tell them about my new job/s. I just need to report what I'm paid next time I report.

After that I went to the Mall where I finally bought a new oven mitt and pot holder - I wanted to get them in green, but there was only red and brown to choose from, so red it was!I also made a rather interesting purchase a facial cleansing brush, which will hopefully help with the pimple situation. I was going to just buy a face washer, but the brush seems the better option.

And I've let myself be distracted and time is running short, so I guess I'll do a couple of Memes and wrap this up!

Booking Through Thursday

Harper Lee

So … will you be reading Go Set a Watchman: A Novel? Why? Why not? What do you think of this whole deal? Harper Lee, after all, is famous for insisting she wouldn’t publish another book, and now this … and the controversy about Atticus? Discuss!

Nah, I don't think so...from everything I've heard it sounds like it'll completely tarnish Mockingbird, one of the few set books we had to read for English at High School that I really like. Beyond that...are we sure Harper Lee even wrote this? I mean, I've heard the story, but it seems pretty weird for all this to happen now. Conspiracy!
However! It's certainly a seller, there's like five copies at Mona Vale Library just waiting to be properly catalogued and all that jazz.


Expected Student Learning Results

1. In what way were you a concerned citizen this past week? Uh...I wasn't really?

2. In what way were you a clear communicator this past week? Hmmm...well, I managed to sort out the Granny Flat situation with the two landlords, which worked well!

3. In what way were you an insightful learner this past week? Yesterday I learned quite a lot about how Mona Vale Library runs and all that jazz, good times!

4. In what way were you an effective advocate this past week? I got nothin'

5. In what way were you a responsible risk-taker this past week? Is that even possible? Seems contradictary! But...I'll cheat and say driving, because hey that's a calculated risk isn't it? When you compare it with walking :OP

Right, this entry is pretty useless, but what can you do? Tomorrow I'm going skating so I think I should have a more interesting entry tomorrow.

Goodnight all!










Reach for the laser with Antic's Sims-ulator!

centrelink, anxiety, annoying shit, memes, new stuff, ranting, job

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