10:50pm: Today was the day of the on-site induction at Mona Vale Library, hooray! It included getting to know the returns system, which is rather hi-tech, with an electronic pad that can read the barcodes of more than one book at a time just by placing them on it. Also shelving! Although, I didn't actually do any work on the desk, whoops! However! I have four shifts come up on successive Tuesdays so I'm sure I'll end up on it pretty soon.
The only problem, I'm not sure what to do with the car situation, I took the car today, but parked a fair distance from the library and I'm not sure if there's any non-timed parking spots closer to the building. However, in the winter at least, there's the issue where it's dark by the time my shift will finish (since I can only work in the afternoons). Soooo, what to do, what to do?
But it's all very exciting! They'd all ready had pigeon holes marked with our names and everything! :O) The only downside is they took photos for our ID Badges (I guess) and I have a couple of rather nasty pimples on my chin! Aw man...how embarrassing. Maybe I should go see a dermotologist or something, I feel I've been lied to, I mean we were always told that pimples were a teenage problem, ha, I think not.
Anyway, it's Embarrassing Bodies night tonight and I have to ask...do men really have no problem giving sperm samples in any location? Because on this show they often have them just going into a public toilet and giving one for the doctors to examine. I mean seriously? How can they do that in a public toilet? I'd think the location would be enough to put you off.
And that's pretty much all I have to report for today, it's been a busy day! I wonder how I'll go next Tuesday when I'll be working from 8:30 to 6pm, although there will be a two hour break in between, maybe I'll have to learn the art of a power nap! :OP
Oh and I almost forgot...as I was driving to work this morning I was making a turn when a car came out of nowhere (at least to me O.o) and we almost ran into each other! To make matters worse we were going in the same direction and I was kind of worried there was going to be a road rage incident. Whoever was in the car not only honked me at the near collision, but later on - for no reason that I can think of - eventually we went our separate ways. But I was left to wonder...was I the one at fault or were they? I swear I looked both ways before beginning the turn. Maybe they came out of a driveway. Hmpf, I'll have to be careful!
For now, though, goodnight!
Library Work
Reach for the laser with
Antic's Sims-ulator!