Another one of those "random stuff" posts

Dec 01, 2010 17:48

Hello, December. You always sneak up on me - are you a ninja?


There is too much good telly in the world. When did that happen? How did that happen? There are two unwatched episodes of Chuck sitting on my sky+ box, which is insane. I love Chuck! But there are so many good things that need watching just now. I genuinely think that when I fall in love with a new tv show I am undergoing the exact same chemical reaction as actually falling in love. It's such a rush.

I'm probably not helping myself by rewatching Community right now, but it's just so addictive and it makes me so happy.

And last week's episode of Misfits BLEW. MY. MIND. If you are not watching it, then get on that right away. Damn. I kinda want to post spoilery stuff but I shall refrain for now 'cos I think only a few people on my flist watch. For shame. But have an unspoilery gif anyway.

Oh, Iwan. So adorbs.

I am cold. But I am still stunned at the way Britain just falls apart when it snows. The media act like it's some sort of unheard of occurrence every single time. Madness. But it is very pretty outside. Scaffolding looks a lot less ugly with a dusting of snow and icicles hanging off it.

On the underground the other day I witnessed a part of some stranger's snow related rant. But I wish I knew the whole story.


Have finally made some progress with the cafe press shops. (Has anyone else ever sold stuff through cafe press? Is it just me or is their system a little wonky? Or just convoluted. I keep clicking links and ending up somewhere totally different from where I expected to be.)

Anyway, if you liked my Star Trek "I'm a Doctor" t-shirt then you can get shirts and accessories like this here.

And if you liked my Inception "Specificity" t-shirt you can get stuff like this here. (Only some of the shirts have "Darling" on the back.)

And, finally (for now), my Princess Bride inspired shirt can be found as a t-shirt or as a bag like this one here. (Again, only some of the products have the quote on the back, have a look around!)

My Buffy "Effulgent" design, a Battlestar Galactica inspired definition, and dark coloured t-shirts are all coming soon. If there's anything not up that you'd like to be, then please let me know and I'll get on it!

crafts, dictionary definition, misfits, telly, typography madness, community, t-shirts, star trek, princess bride, geekiness, bags, inception

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