Even improvisations get their own fanart now...

Sep 29, 2010 18:21

Well, I did indeed decide to add "darling" to my "specificity" t-shirt. (Of course I did, I have no idea why I thought I might not.)

I have also let my imagination run away with me on many other definition shirts, which I'll post over the next few days, once I'm done swearing at photoshop. (I seem to spend an inordinate amount of my time arguing with technology.)

So now this:

has this on the back:

Yes, I put the definition of darling on my arse. It seemed appropriate at the time.

I also laid this one out with justified text, I though Arthur would approve.


In completely unrelated news, there is a creeping creeper who creeps working on our building. He keeps choosing the oddest places on the scaffolding to stop for a break, and stares through the window while I am trying to work. If he does it again tomorrow there will be yelling and stroppy closing of curtains. Blech.


And also unrelatedly, why did no-one tell me how good Misfits was? I just mainlined the whole first series in two days. I think I may hate the E4 trailer people because it didn't look like the sort of thing I would like, but I was spectacularly wrong about that. It was fantastic, funny, twisted and really, really good. And it made me rant again about what a waste of potential Heroes was, because in just 6 episodes, Misfits managed to do right what Heroes couldn't manage in four years. But the upside of being late to this party is that I only have to wait a month or so for season two. Hurrah! Now to go hunt down Misfits fandom...

tom hardy, crafts, dictionary definition, misfits, telly, typography madness, t-shirts, customised, inception

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