My Sis Is Hysterical

May 16, 2012 23:24

So first I was trying to explain the whole Loki fucked a horse thing w/o making him look like a big ol' creep
and then I saw Darcy/Loki on a comm and this occurred

Me: "They need to stop its making me sick"
Lil Sis: "Lemme guess its something heterosexual"
Me: "Its not just that....but kinda"
Lil Sis: "Penis and Vagina is like your kyrptonite"
Lil Sis: "Anal or Animal or it's not acceptable"
Lil Sis: "Oh god chances of pregnancy increasing...losing strength"

homosexual, dialog, heterosexual, lil sis, hysterical, loki, buttsex

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