Title: Torn by LeToya
Length: Oneshot
Parings: Jaeho, minor HeeYun
Genre: Angst, Romance
Rating: NC-16+ (small sex scene)
sujudbskbb Summary: Jaejoong are torn...
Disclaimer: Jaeho and Heechul are not mine to claimed but to themselves, songs and lyrics belonged to LaToya and record co. respectively. Story plot are owned by
blurmeese, NOT MINE!!
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Comments 30
lol, i dont mind at all. ure the one that gave the permission and as the original author, i want to be able to read in time. it's only fair on my part. thank u so much about the job. i enjoyed it so far and hope to get things memorized asap.
btw,when yun was explaining himself to jae, wat was his reason to became heechul's assistant? i pretty much just take his family as a reason like by default but wat u? do tell, do tell, please, please, please. ^^
Tchh...*kicks heechul in the groin* Tchh u deserve so much worse bitch =_=
*sigh* Ahhh YJ are together and that's all that matters :D *downloads the song too*
yea kick in the story but not in real life. he doesn't deserve it. this one in the story does AHAHAHA!!
yep that's all matter hehe.
it's a good song, i really love it and hope u like it too.
I remember i used to hear and listen to that song all the time.
Great story (^_^)
thank u so much. i used to listen to that song a lot too back then. it was such a good song but has sad lyrics. seriously, after reading the original and listening to this song, it clicked inside my head. such an inspirational song for this fic so i couldn't let it pass. :D
glad u enjoyed it.
Congratulations to your new jobs, hope you'll have it good there:)
Finally so much angst *-* I loved it. As far as I've seen there are some mistakes, but only minor ones.
Heechul as a villain? *lol* It was so sad imagining Yunho on the ground, crying for JJ T_T I love such fanfictions, looking forward to more FFs from you
lol, i wouldnt give it up that easily, though i have those moments a few times of wanting to stop but really cant ^^
hehe, im not one to write out full angst but my goal is to write tears-jerking ones that can get readers to feel my character's emotions. ull be reading that alot from my chaptered fics soon.
yea...i figured ill have mistakes. i was too tired and eager to checked for last minute grammar so i just posted it for the heck. :D lol, heechul doesn't seem to be but he does have his moments for it. :DDDDDDDDDDDDDD
lol, he's is <3 by jaejae. ill keep writing more soon!!
yea...can't say much about heechul, but he'll live.
lol, i didn't realized he was so timid in the punching scene,but yea he is cute. :)
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