
Dec 10, 2012 21:31

adapted from here.
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gdgdbaby December 11 2012, 04:48:49 UTC
gdgdbaby @ masterlist



gdgdbaby December 11 2012, 05:01:12 UTC
clicked your masterlist thinking i'd read big bang fic, but now i'm sitting in your football stuff. your humour is fantastic and i love your mesut.


gdgdbaby December 11 2012, 05:11:29 UTC
oh geez, thank you so much, anon! those dudes were all super fun to write for :3 i'm really glad you like it ♥


gdgdbaby December 11 2012, 06:28:33 UTC
Could you increase the table size you put your fic? I love your fic but it makes me feel claustrophobic.


gdgdbaby December 11 2012, 06:34:51 UTC
oh sure!! the reason i started using it was for advent fics that i knew were going to be shorter than the things i normally posted (like less than 900 words long), since when something is only 500 words it looks better in a tight block than just like eight or nine straight lines all the way across a page, but i can def see how it'd be annoying for things that are longer. i've taken it out of any of the longer things i've posted! thank you for letting me know :D


gdgdbaby December 11 2012, 08:43:02 UTC
Thank you! :)


gdgdbaby December 11 2012, 06:34:17 UTC
gdgdbaby baby baby~

you are the light of my life, seriously. i feel like i fall through fandoms that happen to go through your ficlist. from bb to the football fandom, to tsn, and onwards, i feel like i've been growing up through your ficlist

sort of creepy, but jsyk you're awesome.


gdgdbaby December 11 2012, 06:46:54 UTC
oh man, not creepy at all, anon! this is really sweet actually ;__; i'm really glad you've liked all of it! you've def followed me through some strange phases in my life, haha. ♥


gdgdbaby December 11 2012, 06:35:00 UTC
i'm not even a gtop shipper anymore, yet i still read your fics. you have a really good sense of humour + i love your smut ;)


gdgdbaby December 11 2012, 06:47:37 UTC
oh gosh that is super flattering anon ;__; i'm glad you like! ♥


gdgdbaby December 11 2012, 07:56:49 UTC
i looooove your work, you are definitely my first option when i need to recommend GOOD BB fics (not so many out there)

confession: i saw you at BB concert but was too shy to say hi and tell you in person, creepy i know :(


gdgdbaby December 11 2012, 08:04:21 UTC
anon!!!! you are too sweet :* and omg you should've come up to me ;__; we could've bonded over how mfeo gd and top are. next time!! :D


gdgdbaby December 11 2012, 12:58:12 UTC
i started reading your fics for the social network and then a while later i fell into kpop fandom and realized you wrote for big bang. i think your gtop fics were the first kpop fics i ever read and gtop is still special in my heart today even if i've changed fandoms because your fics left such a great impression on me ;~~; overall, i really enjoy all of your fics and i'm so glad you wrote for tsn!


gdgdbaby December 11 2012, 16:47:23 UTC
ackk that is super flattering, anon! i'm really glad you enjoyed the stuff i wrote for tsn and kpop, haha ;_; thank you so much! ♥


gdgdbaby December 12 2012, 03:21:41 UTC
i will never in my life get over your brad/ray fic ugh it was perfect ;~; your writing is so straightforward and easy to read, and doesn't have all the unnecessary embellishments kpop fandom is so fond of that muddle up the story. i love your dialogue and it always draws me in, adds so much personality and dimension to your characters, and makes it so easy to relate with them. i don't really have anything constructive to say so i will just go scurry off now (。´∀`)ノ


gdgdbaby December 12 2012, 08:04:35 UTC
ahhhh, i loved writing brad/ray so much and i'm so pleased you enjoyed it ♥ they're such distinct and fun characters to play with and i'm really glad you liked the writing! and oh man, i used to (still do??? to a lesser extent) struggle a lot with dialogue so i'm really happy that you enjoy that specifically because it has definitely been a long road for me on that front u__u you are too sweet, anon ♥ thank you so much!


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