
Dec 10, 2012 21:31

adapted from here.
Time to spread some holiday cheer in the form of feedback for authors!

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Comments 1137

niyaowo December 11 2012, 04:08:07 UTC

any crit is appreciated (^∇^)


niyaowo December 11 2012, 05:05:40 UTC
omg you're the one who wrote art of war! i read it on seoulfulness forever ago and it's so hot adljds;dksk.


niyaowo December 11 2012, 07:53:54 UTC
\(//∇//)\ omo anon thank you for your kind words


niyaowo December 11 2012, 06:25:04 UTC
your fic is super cute and easy to read. most of what i've read has a pretty solid side of crack, so correct me if you have written more 'serious' things, but if you haven't i'd be interested to see what you do with it!


uchouten December 11 2012, 04:08:55 UTC
uchouten at happiestgiraffe

Im really trying to improve!!!


uchouten December 11 2012, 04:28:24 UTC
i didn't recognize your username until i clicked on your journal and i realized that you write some of my favorite fic on aff! i've not read your most recent stuff but i think your fic would improve if you narrowed down the focus a bit to one pairing instead of a few. sometimes less is more :)


uchouten December 11 2012, 14:20:20 UTC
hahaha yeah thats certainly something I've realized. Multiple pairs, such a choreeee to write

can only imagine how terrible it is to read

thank you so much!


uchouten December 11 2012, 14:25:36 UTC
no it's not terrible at all! i like your fic i just think they could be even better :D


its_rayning December 11 2012, 04:13:13 UTC
its_rayning @ its_not_rayning

ahh... why not? ;o; (I'm fragile, eeee)


its_rayning December 11 2012, 05:16:57 UTC
the only one of your fics i've read is "if life is but a dream", but i actually have it bookmarked because the sex scene when kai's asleep is just so ridiculously hot that i want to reread it forever.


its_rayning December 11 2012, 16:55:01 UTC
ahh, thank you :'D I'm glad you liked that, I enjoyed writing it quite a bit! ^^


its_rayning December 11 2012, 21:42:28 UTC
hi. ur fics are fluffy. and i love them. and u.


nisakomi December 11 2012, 04:43:32 UTC
nisakomi @ masterlist

i'm actually about to leave fandom but would appreciate concrit!


nisakomi December 11 2012, 05:01:45 UTC
i love ephemeral and your pirate!au.


nisakomi December 11 2012, 06:51:58 UTC
thank you :*


nisakomi December 11 2012, 05:53:55 UTC
the quality of your writing keeps fluctuating. sometimes it starts out very promising, and then it just flatlines like you've given up/stopped putting effort into finishing them? i'd love to see more consistent writing for you in the future!


gdgdbaby December 11 2012, 04:48:49 UTC
gdgdbaby @ masterlist



gdgdbaby December 11 2012, 05:01:12 UTC
clicked your masterlist thinking i'd read big bang fic, but now i'm sitting in your football stuff. your humour is fantastic and i love your mesut.


gdgdbaby December 11 2012, 05:11:29 UTC
oh geez, thank you so much, anon! those dudes were all super fun to write for :3 i'm really glad you like it ♥


gdgdbaby December 11 2012, 06:28:33 UTC
Could you increase the table size you put your fic? I love your fic but it makes me feel claustrophobic.


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