Back on the ship, traveling at warp,
the mood was subdued-little to say.
The captain had everyone watch the recordings
of their interviews on SeplH’ne’s domain,
also including the Enterprise telling--
things must be transparent for them to regain
the old purpose of fostering peace between species,
so let everything stand in public record again.
They forwarded everything to Sarek on New Vulcan;
they entrusted him to keep the records safe,
to be used for the right time some point in the future.
As for Starfleet, they debated whether to disclose anything.
Nyota and Sulu had doubts that the admirals
would welcome the news and approve of the way
they’d handled the mission-most still coveted intelligence,
thinking diplomacy a waste of resources.
But Carol pointed out that they never outright forbade
missions fostering relations; she reminded them of Qyklops.
The admirals would admire their sheer determination,
because it takes guts to do what they did.
Scotty pointed out they had other recourses;
they could directly release the interview tapes
to the media public on all Federation planets,
to change the perception of tlhIngan warrior face.
Bones said the stories were personal, entrusted
to them as a crew, not used to play games
in interstellar relations, political dramas.
They needed to remember and respect the honor
when stories dealt with slavery, incest, cannibalism, hate.
Chekhov thought it best to edit the story--
preserve the heart, allow the details to fade.
Christine thought it had to be everything or nothing;
to change their lives was to unjustly replace
ugly things with things everyone wanted
to hear about others instead of embracing
both sides fully, no matter how haunting.
Spock deferred to his captain. Cirqce and SeplH’ne
had addressed Jim, not the rest;
whatever Jim said would be the last word.
But Jim wanted everyone’s word to be said.
“Spock?” He answered
“Perhaps it would be best to do as SeplH’ne asked-
wait for a time, an opportune moment
to introduce, disclose, the tlhIngan’s war-dead.”
“But sometimes you have to make opportunities.
I can’t wait around while she’s executed
for hosting us, giving us safe passage and freely
speaking, allowing, risking all that she has.”
“Then perhaps risk releasing a transcripted volume.
This protects their faces, leaves their voices secret.
Replace the key names but none of the content;
have Communications translate to all dialects;
post this on the nets, allow it to slowly
spread as an account of the Enterprise set.
our name will attract interest and then your opportunity
will present itself later, created and met.”
“And what about Starfleet? That would be going
completely over their heads.”
“Starfleet must face their own questions of ethics.”
“It’s been a long time, coming. I agree with Spock,” Bones said.
“I’ll get my people to start on the translations.”
“Carol and Christine-you know the admiralty.
Can you compile and contact a list of possible people
who’d be willing to risk their careers in the fleet?”
“Done, sir.” “Sulu, take the conn.” “Aye, Captain.” “And Pavel
I need you to contact your brother.
He’s Section 31, intelligence officer?”
“Yes, Keptan.” “See what you can find out about their plans
How receptive they’d be to encouraging diplomacy.”
“Immediately, Keptan.” “Scotty, if Fleet calls, keep them distracted.”
“Can do, Jim.” “And Jim, where the hell will you be?”
“Talking to Spock. Taking care of some business.
"Everyone has their orders. Our next mission isn’t for
72 hours, so everyone rest, regroup, perform admirably.”
Bones snorted. “Don’t forget you’re due for a physical!”
“Got it. Spock. You’re with me.”