...take a look at the rest of the makers in that section. and take a look at the people in the last section. really now, it's pretty obvious what the order is.
You ranked alice_trip, alisea_dream, appleindecay, biliki, burymyregret, hiparion, orangelusik, ofraindrops, prettybutt as LOW LEVEL?
also wickdshy and wickedrgn are the same person.
Disagree on vintagic, daleksaresexy rebeccaann08, lalonde, spartapuss, margerydaw_s2, liesmiths daydreamshole and reebeecaa - they might be well known socially, but they're not near the level of the others you mentioned. They're definitely low level.
I've never heard of alice_trip & hiparion. alisea_dream has really creative icons but they're usually very sharp and hit or miss for me. I mentioned I missed some people because of the sheer number of names there. I lost my place a few times.
I know I just forgot to delete wickedgrn when I posted it
I don't think they're low level - probably low-mid level but then there'll be too many categories
say from 20insp, who would you say is low, mid, and high?
12feethigh, 24_amends, 750virago, _puchula_, _veronique, a_fast_machine, a_thari, absolutelybatty, afeastforme, alexsuami, aliasledger, alice_trip, alisea_dream, ancientwhispers, angelamaria, annalou_lilith, appleindecay, applepips16, arctic_flower, before_water, biliki, bitterbird, blue_emotion, blueymcphluey, bossygenius, boxed, burntheflaws, burymyregret, bussbuss, calrissian18, capelle, caramelmilk_t, cent, charmingthrone, christinaa88, colourmayfade, cookiestome, cosmicfish, curtainclose, daleksaresexy, dancelies, darlingheart, dashberlin, daydreamshole, daynawashere, deadwillwalk, delorentoes, deny1984, deternot, dizzyknee, dudette_in_town, dunhammed, duveins, earlydreams, electrical_s, elleaf, elli, enriana, ensanglante, erzsebet, eva_1102, evangelin1202, everrdeadly, ex_absolute, fancifull, far_to_nowhere, feel_the_fire, fever_heat, flechero, fouroux, fprintmoon, frickkonastick, fulminant, fuuurs, geckoholic, ( ... )
i thought you ranked them in that order.
i might have missed some people because yeah a lot of people on that list
also wickdshy and wickedrgn are the same person.
Disagree on vintagic, daleksaresexy rebeccaann08, lalonde, spartapuss, margerydaw_s2, liesmiths daydreamshole and reebeecaa - they might be well known socially, but they're not near the level of the others you mentioned. They're definitely low level.
I know I just forgot to delete wickedgrn when I posted it
I don't think they're low level - probably low-mid level but then there'll be too many categories
Seriously burymyregret and prettybutt are legends at this point. They're high elite.
though burymyregret's last post disappointed me.
+1 there were some very low quality icons in that post
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