...take a look at the rest of the makers in that section. and take a look at the people in the last section. really now, it's pretty obvious what the order is.
You ranked alice_trip, alisea_dream, appleindecay, biliki, burymyregret, hiparion, orangelusik, ofraindrops, prettybutt as LOW LEVEL?
also wickdshy and wickedrgn are the same person.
Disagree on vintagic, daleksaresexy rebeccaann08, lalonde, spartapuss, margerydaw_s2, liesmiths daydreamshole and reebeecaa - they might be well known socially, but they're not near the level of the others you mentioned. They're definitely low level.
I've never heard of alice_trip & hiparion. alisea_dream has really creative icons but they're usually very sharp and hit or miss for me. I mentioned I missed some people because of the sheer number of names there. I lost my place a few times.
I know I just forgot to delete wickedgrn when I posted it
I don't think they're low level - probably low-mid level but then there'll be too many categories
Disagree on daleksaresexy, vintagic and liesmiths. IMO they're midlevel elite because don't produce even half as many duds as the other lowlevel elites mentioned. Even if their style is not really to my taste, their execution is totally solid.
12feethigh, , a_fast_machine, a_thari angelamaria,bitterbird applepips16 boxed, burntheflaws, bussbuss, calrissian18, daleksaresexycapelle, daydreamshole, daynawashere deadwillwalk deny1984 deternot, fancifull, far_to_nowhere, feel_the_fire fprintmoon, fulminant goreplz imaginary_lives innocent_lexys, ionizable,iulieki, john_scorpy,juanxyo katy_111, kayable, killmotion, lady_kingsley, lalonde, lavanille, liesmiths, likealight,holidaylights, hopeitallaway, margerydaw_s2 memonechan messdestruction naginis naushika nottiem ofthesea outoftime paintedtarget, , partitioning, petite_tomate schryosel rebel oviedo rebeccaann08, reebeecaa rowofstars saxify spartapuss, spg_spn_girls, spittingfish superjesster the_silverdoe tomycoffee, tunaeverynight val_valerie vintagic wickdshy wildpages yoli_19, youwatchusrun
750virago, _puchula_, _veronique, , alexsuami, aliasledger, alice_trip, alisea_dream, ancientwhispers, annalou_lilith, appleindecay, , arctic_flower, before_water, biliki, , bossygenius, burymyregret, caramelmilk_t, cent, charmingthrone, christinaa88, colourmayfade, cookiestome, cosmicfish, curtainclose, , , darlingheart,, , , delorentoes, , dizzyknee, dudette_in_town, dunhammed, duveins, earlydreams, electrical_s, elleaf, elli, enriana, ensanglante, eva_1102, evangelin1202, everrdeadly, , fever_heat, flechero, frickkonastick, , geckoholic, gigglemonster, gigi737, giulsss, , gracerevealed, graymarks, hallonpaj, happy_harper13, hariboo,, heartoutofstone, hiparion, icequeen3101, ieatstickers, , in_the_end, , jokermary, jorge_2, , julie_izumi, justmyb0nes, kasiopeia, kate_angel, katwoman, llean, loka_bones, lumsx, maestria, makarosh, mancalahour, marcasite, , mdreamelis, megaminerva,, , , monstersinyou, morpho90, , my_mindpalace, , nastyakireeva, , navras_rheya, neated, nokitas,, obaona, ofraindrops, , ohfreckle, , onlyechoes, orangelusik, organza, , outofwave, overevery, , oxoniensis,, , poisonfield, prettybutt, prunae, psychomorgan, quiddity_, , realproof, , red_fairy_only, redbird94, , , relaxjolene, rosedamask, , rubbersoul17, satinelight, , schmiss, , , , selline_s, setentpet, sgmajorshipper, sky_magenta, smyra0, snowweisz, solar_contrast, spankulert, , spud66cat, sunshinesky, , swanwingful, syrensymphony, takethewords, , tangerun, , , theriakx, theroguepanda, thewonderlife, tihana, , tiptoetwirl, , twolefts, underworld, , , vapor, , , violateraindrop, waaywardson, whatdemydid, , wickedgrdn, wild_sibyl, , xmaidelx, , zarajade123, zellbz
i thought you ranked them in that order.
i might have missed some people because yeah a lot of people on that list
also wickdshy and wickedrgn are the same person.
Disagree on vintagic, daleksaresexy rebeccaann08, lalonde, spartapuss, margerydaw_s2, liesmiths daydreamshole and reebeecaa - they might be well known socially, but they're not near the level of the others you mentioned. They're definitely low level.
I know I just forgot to delete wickedgrn when I posted it
I don't think they're low level - probably low-mid level but then there'll be too many categories
Seriously burymyregret and prettybutt are legends at this point. They're high elite.
though burymyregret's last post disappointed me.
+1 there were some very low quality icons in that post
don't know them either. although when i was trying this exercise i did have a section on "don't really know them much/don't have an opinion".
Disagree on daleksaresexy, vintagic and liesmiths. IMO they're midlevel elite because don't produce even half as many duds as the other lowlevel elites mentioned. Even if their style is not really to my taste, their execution is totally solid.
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