Last Saturday, November 22, was the night for Laughs and Gasps: a night of magic, mentalism, music and comedy featuring no less than two of my closest friends: Kel (a.k.a Marcelle Fabie) and Jay (known in the debate community as CSB's Jay Mata).
The name of the show couldn't be more apt. I assumed laughs would be provided by Ms. Giselle Sanchez, and while I missed her part of the show (because I was, as usual, lost and late), Bessie-Moo, Wanlu and even Jay managed to elicit laughter from me! I am one of the slowest people in the world when it comes to getting jokes (especially when it comes to Marcelle's, hehehe) so that was a surprise in itself.
I even got to be *part* of the joke, when I innocently volunteered for ventrillusionist Wanlu's performance. I thought I'd just be asked to hold/interact with the dummy or something--I didn't know I was going to be made into a human ventriloquist's puppet-of-sorts! But it was an experience, and it did get me laughing *A LOT* and on stage, at that.
A picture of me as a volunteer ventriloquist puppet, much thanks to
What got me gasping were the incredibly dangerous stunts my friends tried to pull! Card magic, rope tricks, mentalism -- always impressive, but I'm sort of used to them being friends with kel and jay for so long. But what I wasn't used to, and wasn't prepared to see really, was my friend WALKING BAREFOOT ON BROKEN GLASS, lying down on it face-down, and having a fully-grown man step on his face. Never in my wildest dreams would I have been able to predict that that was going to happen.
Yes guys, that's Jay Mata. Galing 'no? Much thanks to Similarly, it was my first time to see my best friend dance while flailing around balls of fire. Poi--is it? I don't know. All I know is that I was worried sick when he slipped on stage while doing so! But he managed to make it seem as part of the act, so bravo for improv! Hehe. First time to see him do that and I have to say, that was when I felt proudest.
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Bessie-moo does the fire dance! Video taken from I mean, I've always been proud of Kel and Jay--they are extremely intelligent people with a lot of opportunities to choose from, and yet they chose magic/mentalism as one of their professions. That takes a lot of guts in a world where magic is usually equated to child's play or where 20-somethings are expected to take the corporate route to success. But they chose their own path and I really, really admire them for it. Especially since I know no one else who'd be willing to risk a mouthful of kerosene or a nail up the nostril for their life's passion.
ANYWAY. Here's to more laughs and gasps from Kel and Jay, and hopefully years, decades more of friendship to come. :) *huuugs*