Nov 21, 2008 00:04
Aside from having moleskine notebooks on sale (tipong P500 off!)--they are also offering rare signed books... including a signed hardbound copy of FIGHT CLUB by CHUCK PALAHNIUK *drool*
Of course, the staggering cost (errr P10,000) is enough to make anyone pause, but STILL. *drool*. Yet another drool-worthy book at a faint-inducing price is THE LAST UNICORN, which I distinctly remember watching as a kid on our betamax player. I don't know if the book is any good, but nostalgia is a good enough reason to desire something. :p
I was browsing through their inventory and other books caught my eye. Some of them are cheap-cheap-cheap too, so I am very tempted to buy:
* "Been there, done that! The Balls-to-the-wall Checklist of Things Worth Doing" -- because of my love for crazy to-do-lists
* "Astonish Yourself! 101 Experiments in the Philosophy of Everyday Life" - which includes take the subway (or in our case, the MRT) without trying to get anywhere...something I've always wanted to do!
* Kurt Cobain: Journals -- for the rocker in me. Hehe.
Yes, yes, these are far from intellectual and may speak volumes about my quirky, shallow self, but I DON'T CARE. They-are-cool. And I want to hunt for more books to add on to my avalon wishlist. :p
Eventually I hope I get to *buy* one of them, which would make it my FIRST-ONLINE-PURCHASE-EVAR. But it will be well worth it, what with the rarity/big-big-discount and all.
Anyway, back to surfing/window-shopping. :D