I've had
this song stuck in my head for days. "You make me weep. I wanna die." Steve Perry, why do you have such a soulful voice?
I spent two hours at Women's Health (WV's version of Planned Parenthood) yesterday afternoon. They had the place locked down like Fort Knox with the gated parking lot and the three locked doors monitored by surveillance cameras. And that was just what you have to navigate to enter into the waiting room. Being newly uninsured and a first-timer to the clinic, I had to undergo a battery of tests which required blood and urine before I even had the (dis)pleasure of securing my feet into the stirrups of the exam table. Ugg. The super-conservatives would just die if they knew the clinic was handing out Plan B like candy on trick-or-treat. No lie. I just wanted a few months of birth control pills, and they sent me out the door with
two "abortion pills" and a wad of condoms along with the four months of pills. Not that I mind, of course. Better safe than with child, I say.
Sunday night, I noticed a lump beneath the skin where my shoulder and neck connect. Being the neurotic freak I am, I immediately wonder if it is a monster tumor that is an indicator of cancer. And then I angst-ed over my lack of health insurance. I had the woman at the clinic feel my neck up, and she swears it is just a knot on my muscle. It certainly hurts like one should, so she's probably right. I iced it, and it has gone down in size. Sheesh.
Why is Glee so cute? I've watched all the episodes online in the past few days.
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