The Wire 509

Feb 26, 2008 15:38

MY SHOW is back!

OMG The Wire was so good this week. This is why I love the show so much! But as usual the last two episodes are the best. I was all set for the episode to be depressing and then it was full of happiness and emotion and even, dare I say it, hope from the beginning. Lester took down Marlo and Chris and got the drugs! So incredibly satisfying and awesome. And speaking of taking down, Gus is onto Templeton and is getting the proof :D It's great seeing that liar get discovered from Daniels (SO GREAT that he helped) to the army vet.

Ugh of course to Carcetti screwing over Daniels (how happy am I that he's getting more screentime? VERY) and once again the numbers are all that matter. Ah institutions, this is what The Wire is all about. So good to have Lester tell Daniel's what's going on and that they have arrests for Marlo, Chris and Cheese not to mention Bunk's murder. I love them smiling and Bunk happy with his cigar. It feels like the whole family is finally getting back together again no matter how they feel about all this, it's still great taking them down. The whole drug bust and arrest felt very S1 to me but this time they did it at the right time just with the wrong methods. Lester getting to mess with Marlo with the clock was so awesome. Lester is smarter than you! Of course Carcetti takes the credit (*rolls eyes*) with all his lies (didn't give up on it? riiight). And yeah, this drug bust is tiny and the drugs will be back in the street in the final montage but it's still so good to have this victory, the tangible proof of it.

We even had a good Marlo moment! "My name is my name!" Yay emotion and honor! I wish Marlo had gotten the chance to face Omar. Poor McNulty. I feel for him now that he finally sees what he's gotten himself into and even with the arrests, he doesn't have anything. Didn't he learn anything from Stringer? Argh. I love how Lester who tried to tell him about Stringer, is now with him at the train tracks (happy! :D) like he used to with Bunk and is now drunk like him. And then NAMOND!!! OMG I was sooo happy to see him and doing so well debating. Wow. Now that is a success story with so much hope in it. And the deacon and Bunny! I haven't been so happy to see any Wire characters since Avon. Now we just need Prez...Hated Carcetti using the debate for their own BS interviews. Bunny not shaking his hand was awesome. I loved them going back and mentioning Amsterdam in S3. I loved Marlo hearing about how he's the lead conspirator and they've got the photographic transmissions and cell phones.

Now Herc? Makes me sick. Ugh I can't believe he's trying to get info from Carver and is telling Levy. I adore Herc and Carver but Herc just crossed a line into unforgivable for me. Bubbles! Aww I wish his sister would support him but I understand how much she's been burned. The Lester and Clay scene was just so amazing. Poor Stringer :( I was so happy to have him mentioned though. But man, it would be SO nice if Levy went down. A snitch at the courthouse scares me, I hope they catch them before the Marlo case. Kima continued her string of being awesome by telling Carter to help his guys and telling Daniels. They'll need the info to help deal with the fallout. I'm worried Kima's going to have to tell the truth to get McNulty and co. in serious trouble though beyond Daniels.

Reginald! Hee, aww Bubbles I love him. He looks so much better now, so cute. I am so unbelievably proud of him and it reminded me of Namond. Both just make me cry with pride for both of them. They did it! Ah, hope is a beautiful thing. "There ain't no shame in holding onto grief, as long as you make room for other things too." I really like that quote. I was so scared Michael was going to die, it'd be so like the show to kill off a character in the second to last episode but of course they tricked me and had it to be Snoop :( I'm just glad it's not Michael. "Serial killer but he only be killing other serial killers" OMG Dexter mention! I love it. Michael saying goodbye to Bug has got to be one of the saddest scenes ever on the show. It's the biggest sacrifice Michael could make for his brother and yet he's giving away the one person he loves. Bug's crying just killed me :( It really reminded me of Wee-Bay letting Namond go back in S4. Michael being strong for his brother is so heartbreaking. The Wire is so good at making me really cry. Dukie telling the piss balloons story was so cute, reminded me of the Stringer and Avon conversation back in 311 and yet in this one they couldn't share the memory. Michael not remembering the memory whether truth or not is just so sad. I feel so bad for Dukie though and I really, really hope he doesn't start using. I have to say, I am so glad The Wire continued the kids story because it hurts just as much as it did in S4.

I'm so worried about their case now. If the wire is on a cellphone tapped for a different reason, does it still count? At least they've got Chris for the murder. I can't see Marlo getting out of this season alive so hopefully even if he gets out free, someone will kill him. I just don't want this homeless BS to have been for nothing. They did it with Omar though so I wouldn't put it past them. I feel like I'm about to watch a whole lot of shit go down and it's exciting and terrifying all at once. Next week is going to be amazing!

I think I'm going to go back and finish my rewatch of The Wire. I left off around 207 so I think I can do at least up to 412 in the next two weeks. Plus, Stringer! I miss him.

Gah, I can't believe the series finale is less than two weeks away. I am dying in excitement for it and yet I don't want the show to ever end. March 8th...the end of an era. Still the best show on TV.

the wire

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