Update Pt. 1

Feb 21, 2008 09:43

I have a lot of stuff to catch up on so bear with me.

So I have made it back to Syracuse, NY but not before the Travel Curse struck again! I had my first late night flight a week and a half ago and it was awesome to have Dan in Real Life being the movie they played for us. I had a one stop flight so I landed in Philly where I had to go from the D gate to the F gate. I carry my heavy laptop bag and backpack and walk to get to the F gate when I see a metaphoric fork in the road so to speak saying one way to the ABCD gates and another sign to E and F and another with a warning about how if you go this way you have to rescreen. They mention a shuttle but I don't see a sign for it so I go towards the E and F gate. When I see a security guard I ask him where I can catch the shuttle to the F gate. Surprise! I missed it and I was told I couldn't go back and had to keep walking. And of course I had to rescreen at 7 am EST with a huge line and 50 minutes til my flight left it. I kept getting closer and closer and hoping I'd make it, pissed off because I never wanted to be in a situation where I would miss my flight (I always try to get there 2 hours early) and of course with 10 minutes to my flight leaves I get through airport security where they take five minutes taking out ALL my hard drives and cords and putting them through the baggage checker even when I told them I needed to hurry. And of course my gate was the farthest away so even though I ran I missed my flight. Thankfully another one left in two hours so it wasn't too bad a wait but then when I get back to Syracuse they lose my check in luggage. The good news is they returned it a day later but it was still extra frustration.

I'm back now and although it's cold, I'm all layered up and at the moment it's not too bad so I don't even need my winter coat :) I can deal with it for a few months. I am SO happy to see my cats again, I missed them so much and now I have many hugs and cuddle sessions to catch up on. Am currently looking for a job which I should hopefully get soon as I need some money. The bad news is TWO of my hard drives have stopped working, the ones with all my DVDs (thankfully I have some on my last remaining hard drive for my current vid projects), music (I have some on my laptop so I'm not totally screwed there) and TV shows. But I do have fast internet back so it doesn't take very long to download stuff. I had forgotten how nice it is to download an episode in 10 minutes or so :D I'm disappointed that a short trip to NYC I was going to do today didn't happen but thankfully NYC is only 5 hours or so away and hopefully I can visit soon! I really want to see Bryant Park and hopefully Tim Gunn if I can plan a trip right. I just miss the city even if LA will always own my heart.

I spent my time after my trip catching up on some shows, marathoning Lost and reorganizing my vid files and a few other things. Up til now, My Videos has been organized by having many folders named by fandom and I'd put a vid I downloaded into the fandom folder it belonged too. But to make it easier to open up a lot of vids all at once, I decided to rename ALL my vid files by adding the fandom to the beginning of the video even if it was just "Anime", "Movies" or "Multifandom". I also made a New Vids folder for the vids I download that I'm too lazy to rename and to make it easier to watch new vids I download. It took awhile and I had to reconstruct my vids playlist but it's been worth it has everything is much more organized and easier to get at and with my 40+ GB of vids, I need that. How does everyone else organize their vids? In order to catch up with my Flist I also made some filters to put every single member of my Flist on a smaller reading list to make it less overwhelming to reply to posts. So far that's worked pretty well although hopefully I won't need to use it too much.

The Writer's strike is over! YAY :D I find it wonderfully coincidental that I leave for CA when the strike began and left right when it ended. I am so happy to at least get a salvaged season with some news episodes of some of my favorite shows. Namely The Office in which we get 6 more episodes and possibly an hour finale! I'm am just SO EXCITED to see the next episode on April 10th which is supposed to be amazing and funny and intense and unique. So I'm really looking forward to that. Not so excited about them skipping ahead in time because I like to see how things progress and for vidding purposes. The good news is almost all my shows are renewed and I'm hoping desperately that Friday Night Lights will be renewed. I cannot wait til April! Should be awesome to have new TV on almost every night.

In hopefully what will be the last time I talk politics before November, a quick word. I am for (and will vote for) whatever Democrat wins the primary. I'd be okay with either of them although I prefer Obama but as long as Bush is gone and there is not another Republican in the White House then I'm happy. Should be fun to live with a super conservative and Ron Paul supporter politics people until November though (NOT). I will find refuge in my politics free zone or mostly liberal Flist happy place though.

Okay, meme time!

First five questions from severuslovesme:
1. Name three Arrested Development plotlines/jokes that you absolutely require to be in the movie
I've made a huge mistake, of COURSE. God how do you choose? GOB has to do some magician things to The Final Countdown and there has to be some kind of George Michael/Maeby kissing cousins plotline. I'm probably leaving out something really important but that's AD for you.
2. Who is your favorite character on the Office? Michael Scott always. He still steals my heart and cracks me up to no end and I feel so bad for his crappy life and need for friends. Plus I love his enthusiasm and childlike wonder.
3. Pick three characters who if you were a super villain would be your henchmen
Irina Derevko (master plans, computer work AND great with guns), Lex Luthor (more evil plans, super intelligence and lots of money) and The Master to bring some fun and dancing as well as his Time Lord gifts into the equation. Okay now I want to be a super villain!
4. What's a crossover pairing you'd love to see written? I'm not much for crossovers but I'd be interested in seeing Fraser/Irina. I'd be curious to see what she makes of the REAL boy scout (sorry Vaughn) and she reminds me of Victoria so that'd be interesting. Plus Fraser's great with control so I think Irina would enjoy the challenge.
5. What is your favorite ever episode of a TV show and why? This is really hard (TWSS) but I'm going to take this as my favorite episode where I love every single moment no matter how much I love the show as a whole. In this, Once More With Feeling from Buffy the Vampire Slayer wins by a landslide. I've seen the episode at least ten times and that's only visually, musically I've heard it more like 20+ and I have almost every line memorized. I love musicals and song so that helps. I love every single song in the episode, I connect emotionally to all the characters and relationships, it ends with one of my favorite kisses ever, the lyrics are all brilliant, the choreography is amazing and it has one of the greatest character reveals ever at the end. James, Anthony and Amber all have perfect voices too that win me over. It truly is perfection in an episode. And now I'm going to have to go watch it. The Dundies from The Office will always have my heart though.

Speaking of Arrested Development, YAY movie! My dreams have come true. I cannot wait to see it! And last time I felt bad that I only went to see Serenity once so this time I'm going to see the movie multiple times maybe even in the 5-10 range. Or more. I have to support my show and I'm sure there'll be enough little things to catch that it will never be boring.

From giventofly37, List 5 OTPs and then answer the following questions:

1) Brian/Justin (Queer as Folk)
2) Jack/Irina (Alias)
3) House/Wilson (House MD)
4) Ryan/Colin (Whose Line is it Anyway)
5) Michael/Jan (The Office)

1. When did you first fall in love with ship number 1? (Brian/Justin)

Well insomnikat first showed me B/J clips in Spring 2003 when S3 was airing along with their first kiss and a few choice audio files. I really liked them but I was on dialup so I couldn't download the episodes (or so I thought). I know I watched a few of sisabet vids namely Battleflag in I think December 2004 (maybe 2003) and fell in love with a certain amazing scene in 122. Finally in May 2005 I was able to download S1 in 50 mb wmv files and fell completely in love with Brian/Justin.

2. When did you fall in love with ship number 5? (Michael/Jan)
Well in The Client I loved them in a "And I have this strange attraction to Michael/Jan but more in a push/pull "I can't believe I'm doing this" kind of way.". I thought they were cute in Valentine's Day but I truly fell for them as a ship in Back From Vacation. Then my full shippiness came out and fell completely in love with them.

3. What is your favorite moment of ship number 3? (House/Wilson)
I'm tempted to say the ILU scene or the Babies and Bathwater scene of LOVE (or any scene bwtween them in House vs. God) but I'm going to go with the recent episode when they finally realize they're a couple and there's nothing they can say to counteract it. OMG so much loooove for that scene.

4. What will the ship be if you take the boy from ship 2 and the girl from ship 1 and mesh them? If one or both of the ships are slash, then pick and choose. (Jack/Irina, Brian/Justin)
Brian/Irina. This actually really intrigues me especially to see what Irina would think of Brian Kinney. If Brian's bisexual side came out, I think it could be quite hot.

5. Vice versa.
Jack/Justin. That would be so funny! Jack's reactions to Justin would be the best. The age difference would be a bit much for me though (and you thought Brian was bad!).

6. What's your favorite moment for ship 4? (Ryan/Colin)
Gah where to begin. While I love the Maltese kiss and the Holy Grail kiss makes their offscreen relationship practically canon, the dancing moment will always be my favorite. It's just so spontaneous and cute and *real*. And how many times do you see two guys let alone two best friends slow dancing? It's beautiful and it feels so natural like that's the way it's mean to be. I'll never get over it.

7. How long was there between the time you got into the fandom and the time you started shipping ship number 3? (House/Wilson)
While I saw the slash right away in S1 and loved the Babies and Bathwater scene, I know I didn't start shipping them for real until 203 I think, the one where they lie (not position wise-I wish) next to the car and Wilson proves he can stand up to House's games. And then I was totally hooked. So probably about a month watching the show (I did S1 slowly).

8. When did you start shipping ship number 4? (Ryan/Colin)
I don't know an exact moment. I started watching the show by watching clips on youtube and I loved the slashiness of Ryan and Colin. It was probably somewhere in S2 or S3 though, before the Maltese kiss because I remember that making me super happy.

9. Take three random people from three of the ships and create an OT3.
Brian/Irina/House. GUH.

10. Rank your OTPs in order.
The original list is pretty much the order except I don't really have a #5. Michael/Jan and Duncan/Methos would probably battle it out though.

[written yesterday] Yay Project Runway tonight! I love Wednesday's because it's the start of new episodes with PR and Torchwood. And tonight is a reunion episode and I LOVE reunion episodes. The video montages are always awesome and there is lots more Tim Gunn and it's fun seeing all the contestants again. I don't think they can ever beat the S2 one though but here's hoping. I'm SURE we're going to see a Ricky crying video and a Christian one with all the time he says fierce or similar funny statements. And this time I can actually watch it live and not have to wait five days for the torrent!

I'm really happy with everyone whose going to Bryant Park so that's good! I liked the final twist with Rami and Chris having to prove their final collections are worth it. I was really disappointed with both of them for reusing their draping pieces and avant-garde piece. Neither of them deserve to make it to the final three based on that but Rami's clothes have been consistently good (if boring) and Chris is a breath of fresh air of enjoyment so I'm glad they're both having a chance. This season has been disappointing in general for me in that I don't really like most of the people and the clothes have been boring. But the latest episodes have been good with less people giving us more fun times with the contestants and Chris and Christian making lots of funny comments. I love bonding moments between the designers and I don't think PR does enough of them. Stuff like Sweet Pea and Christian arm wrestling that's just fun.

I loved the World of Fashion challenge even though the designers were rather predictable in their art choices. I really like when they have inspiration challenges like the one in S2 so it was fun to see how they interpreted the art. Plus I love field trips with Tim! I think Sweet Pea deserved to go and even though her clothes have been good lately, she didn't really deserve to make it. The previous challenge was my favorite episode in terms of the designer interaction and funny moments but oh god, the challenge was horrible. Wrestling divas?! Really? Funny to see Tim and the designers out of place but there wasn't much fashion there so much that it was laughable. I hope they come up with better challenges than that. The good thing is that Ricky's out! Yay :D I couldn't stand him crying all the time.

I think Christian has a lot of talent and even though his arrogance annoyed me at first, at least he's proving himself semi worthy of it. His "innovation" can get him the win as long as he doesn't play it too safe with his final collection. I came around to Jillian when she was the only one brave enough to make a dress out of Twizzlers (like Austin and the corn husks although his was better) and have been liking her outfits lately so I'd be happy if she won as well. I'm afraid Chris will go too costumey but he's my favorite in terms of personality right now (although he really shouldn't have slept). I was sad they voted out some of my favorites including Kit, Stephen and Elisa (in terms of personality at least) but in the end I have to agree with the judge's decisions. I'm completely unspoiled for the finale so I look forward to seeing who wins! Hopefully it'll be a good finale to a lackluster season.

I have to admit that I'm not liking this separating them into pairs or trios trend. I miss my Team moments. However there have been some great moments in some of the latest episodes. I adored John and Rodney and the princess, Rodney was hilarious and so incredibly slashy and the ending picture was to die for. I liked seeing some John backstory in the next episode and Ronon and John were cute so that was nice but the plot kind of bored me. I did love that Rodney wanted to go with John though and the slash keeps writing itself :) The plot of Trio bored me (this is a theme with me and episodic episodes) but I loved the interaction between Rodney, Kellar and Sam especially the latter two who we haven't seen enough of. This episode was made ALL worth it with the would you rather game. RODNEY CHOSE STEEEVE! And then Jon over both of them!! Made my day and I had to jump around in squee over that. First that it was such a geek moment and second that Rodney picked my guy (I LOVE Stephen for the record) and third for the slash. I love you, show. Plus Rodney was in top hilarity form and he and Kellar were so cute. I lean towards Ronon/Kellar with Rodney keeping his John but it's nice to see Kellar recognize his greatness and she's awesome enough that she can have any guy she wants. Midway was also awesome with Teal'C who I don't know well at all but it was nice to see especially interacting with Ronon. I loved the plot this time, it's amazing how much you start caring when the characters are in real danger and it has connections to past episodes. Plus Ronon was awesome, the indeeds were funny and the Ronon/John moment at the end was super cute and slashy.

Contrary to most of my Flist, I'm just not feeling the Supernatural love these days. I don't know if it's overexposure or S3 in general but I just can't get emotional about the boys and show anymore :( I cried at the S2 finale and now just nothing. And I'm not really intellectually interested anymore. I have really liked the last few episodes and Dean and Sam have been really cute so at least there's that. I'm glad everyone else is loving and investing in the show though.

So I'm watching Eli Stone primary for Victor Garber and thankfully it is pretty funny enough to keep me entertained. The biggest GLEE moment is definitely getting to see Victor sing. Here's a youtube clip of it. I love his voice. It's such a disconnect seeing him so NOT!Jack Bristow but his line at the scene reminds me strongly of him so at least there's that. But he SMILES! I will never get enough of that; it makes me smile in turn. The other thing about the show I love is Tom Amandes is in it! I loved him in Everwood and just seeing him onscreen makes me happy.

Okay so I was not sold on the Pilot. I loved the George Michael hallucination and I loved the people at work singing and dancing to it (I love the musical aspect) but everything else was a bit meh for me. My main problem is I don't get the point of him being a "prophet" or the hallucinations in the greater plot arc. I just wish there was a point to it other than teaching Eli to be a better guy which is pretty lame. The legal stuff is definitely my least favorite part of the show as it seems cliche with the saving the little guy plots with great opening/closing statements which strikes me as unrealistic. I like Eli but I don't *love* him, I need a lot more personality which is equally true for his fiancee who bores me. The only good thing is she's Victor's Jordan's daughter (ie Substitute!Syd) so their hug and smiles were oh so cute. It kind of bothered me that all the major people seemed to be guys (the boss, the lawyers, his brother, his dad) and the woman of the week seems to be coming but I loved Loretta Devine in her role and she continues to be hilarious.

Jordan is definitely my favorite part of the show. Victor is as handsome as ever and I enjoy his corporate lawyer personality. As I mentioned before, just seeing Tom Amandes AND Victor Garber on the same screen is amazing for me. And I totally slash them after the 103 interaction. Speaking of slash, after their close scene after the Freedom singing (*squee*), I can totally buy Eli/Jordan. I really liked the mentorship angle too. And did anyone else see the boytouching and smiles in the singing? Anyways, I enjoyed 102 a lot more in general as it was much funnier and the character's personalities shone out a bit more. Plus losing in court was nice in showing we wouldn't always have cliche little guy beats the big guy.

103 was alright but mainly I had issues with them not having anyone sing Father Figure. How can you name your episode Father Figure and not sing the George Michael song?! Argh. I was looking forward to it. The singing and dancing is the best part of the show (besides VG) so that was rather disappointing. Although on a random Alias note, it did make me think it would be hilarious to see a Jack/Nadia "Father Figure" LKVB as hey, it did convert me to seeing Mal/River as viable.

In more Victor Garber singing clips of LOVE, here's him singing and then singing and dancing in Anne with my favorite song from the musical. I pretty much die with glee everytime I see it. He's SO CUTE! It is a little too much for me to handle. Oh and him being gay only makes me love him even more. I sure do know how to pick them :)

Next post: DIY, more TV and Jack/Irina gushing (OMG I LOVE THEM SO MUCH).

stargate atlantis, project runway, queer as folk, rl, michael/jan, lex luthor, jack/irina, buffy the vampire slayer, victor garber, strike, politics, vidding, ryan/colin, brian/justin, the office, california, meme, house, house/wilson, alias, supernatural, arrested development, eli stone

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