Damn you, Fox! (wherein The Office writers are dawesome)

Nov 14, 2007 07:45

It's been a crazy week. Tuesday I went to the SAG solidarity stike at Universal and met a ton of famous people (more to come tonight as I'm too tired now) And on Friday I went to the big Fox rally and picketed with The Office writers and actors. It's hard to describe how awesome and nice and great everyone is. But I will do my best. Here's the list of people at the Fox Rally:

Fox Rally Meetings:
Mindy Kaling, writer and actor on The Office
Justin Spitzer, writer on The Office
Jennifer Celotta, writer on The Office
Paul Lieberstein, writer and actor on The Office
Ed Helms, actor on The Office (only a sighting here)
Brent Forrester, writer on The Office
Michael Schur, writer and actor on The Office (only a sighting here)
Greg Daniels, writer and executive producer on The Office
Rainn Wilson, actor (and improviser!) on The Office
Tony, new writer on The Office
Ryan, new writer on The Office
Larry Wilmore, one time writer and consulting producer on The Office
Two Reno 11 guys (sighting)
Jason Bateman, actor in Arrested Development
Matt Battaglia, actor in Queer as Folk (Drew Boyd!)
Josh Radnor, actor on How I Met Your Mother
C.S Lee, actor on Dexter and Chuck
Julie Louis Dreyfous, actor on Arrested Development and Seinfield and New Adventures of Christine (sighting)
Matthew Weiner, creator of Mad Men

It was kind of like celebrity overload. It was good to see all the support for the strike out there and to support them myself! Also I got to see hafital and snoopypez (Tuesday) which was fun and made both experiences much more enjoyable.

So I took the bus to get to the Fox Rally and left early so I got there around 8:30, an hour and a half early to the big rally. I thought there'd be more people with the same idea but there wasn't too many people there so I was able to quickly find hafital. We talked for awhile and then I got a WGAW pin and sign and started picketing with the people who were there. There was some news people there and I had my picture taken by one in front of the building and I did an interview with someone about the strike. I have no idea where they are now but I'm glad to help support the strike any way I can. There was a super cute dog I got a picture of and a bunch of kids came to along with a baby which made me tell hafital that we had everything we needed for a good Superbowl commercial. People kept coming and the crowd kept getting larger but I was unable to spot any Office writers. I did however see Julie Louis-Dreyfous getting interviewed by the press. The big highlight for me was seeing the two Reno 11 guys, one wearing the infamous short shorts he wears on the show. About fifteen minutes after 10, they finally shut down the street thankfully as there was way too many people on one sidewalk. That helped a lot.

Finally through the crowd I spotted Mindy Kaling in a red hat that became the way I spotted her through anything. She was on her cellphone so I followed her to the other side of the street up the grass where she began talking to someone. Then she was on her cellphone again and I think was talking to the other Office writers trying to find them so as she moved, I followed her once again. I kept thinking that this is the worst stalking I've ever done for a celebrity but it was for The Office so I couldn't help myself. Finally she reached Justin Spitzer, Jennifer Celotta, Ed Helms, Brent Forrester and Ryan and gave Justin a hug. I mostly stood behind them and just listened to them talk but sadly I forget most of it. Paul Lieberstein then showed up and I totally squeed (inwardly) at finally seeing him in person. Next up was Rainn Wilson who then joked with Ed about their date the other night. It was awesome seeing them play off of each other. Rainn was saying how he was trying to take it slow so as not to get on two different levels or something like that. It was so cute! Dwight/Andy, anyone?

I mostly stood in the back of Ed and Justin with an eye on Jenn, Mindy and Paul during the speeches and music. The problem was we were far enough back that we couldn't hear anything since the speakers weren't that great and there was a TON of people there (like 4,000). So most of the writers were just talking to each other with a bit of complaining here and there. We moved up but it didn't help much. A couple fans went up to get pictures with them but I hung back because it always seemed like they were occupied and I was kind of nervous. This backfired when Ed later disappeared and I never got a chance to talk to him (but no worries, I saw him today). The Reno 911 guys did go up to Rainn and he almost kissed one and then he joked with them about how their show needed ratings and The Office didn't. Greg Daniels showed up in the middle of the speeches and a couple of the writers went over to talk to him.

So then we started to march the other way down the street. The way it played out, I ended up walking next to Paul Lieberstein. So I gathered up my courage and finally said (this is all paraphrased) hi, I'm Ashley and a huge fan of The Office and I love your writing. I told him that I loved how he wrote Michael and Jan starting from The Client to Cocktails to Money and that Cocktails made me so incredibly happy and was one of my best TV watching experiences and by then I had no words for it and said he should ask my friends who saw me watching it. And he said, "I will ask them." Hee! Then I said I was sorry that he didn't come to the convention but I was glad he was writing a script. So then I told him how much I loved Toby and how well he played him and something about everyone loving him and yeah...I was kind of out of words at his greatness. But he was really nice about it :)

Next I talked to Jennifer Celotta for awhile. I told her I loved her episodes which I do even though the Michael plots aren't usually my favorite. I told her I loved Grief Counseling, Email Surveillance, Drug Testing, A Benihana Christmas (speaking of, I saw a Benihana about 10 minutes from where I live! *Office *squee*) and she's like, wow you know all of them. And I said yeah I know who wrote all the episodes as I'm a big fan (I started each thing off with "I'm Ashley and a hug fan of The Office"). I thanked her for coming to the convention and that it was awesome. Then when i left her for a bit, remembered Beach Games and went over to her and said I loved that episode and it was one of my favorites and that it had played on the flight I took to California (which btw, I totally squeed about when it was happening). Before she had asked where I was from and I told her I had just moved to LA a week ago and she asked if it was planned and I told her it was just a coincidence. I think she had asked if I had been picketing as lot of them asked if I was a writer and I just told them i was a big fan of the show and wanted to show my support. I also asked her if I could picket with them (so as not to feel like I was just following them around) and she said, sure! Jenn was just the nicest.

Then I saw Mindy and Jenn asked if had met her and Mindy saw me and remembered me from the convention!! I said hi again and I was like yeah I'm the big Dundies fan. I don't remember what I said to her as I had nothing planned but she was so great welcoming me here again and just being the nicest. So we were mostly just standing around so I talked to two new writers, Ryan and Tony. I asked Ryan if he had written any episodes and he sadly hadn't gotten the chance so I asked if he remembered anything he wrote in any other episode but he didn't. I told him that it was fine though and that I hoped he would get a chance to write one. And I basically said the same thing to Tony about hoping he'd get a chance to write episodes. Mindy at this point was looking for Greg, Paul and Brent who had fallen behind but then she spotted Brent and she's like "Forrester!" so we all started marching together.

Michael Schur showed up and I was like "MOSE!!!" inside my head. He had short hair though so it was a bit different there. While walking I met Justin Spitzer who was really nice. I told him I loved Back From Vacation and especially the Michael/Jan scene which I at one point had memorized almost all the words. Also I told him Product Recall was great especially the cold open. And he was really thankful at both. I think he asked about me and I told him the whole, I moved to LA this week story. After that I walked next to Michael Schur for a bit but he was usually talking to someone so I didn't get a chance to say anything to him (sadly but I met him yesterday so no worries). So then as we were turning the corner and I talked to Brent Forrester (didn't know what he had looked at previously) who was the friendliest after Mindy and Jennifer. I told him I loved The Merger, that he wrote Michael really well and that the first time I watched the episode I had the most lol moments where I couldn't stop laughing. And that the table scene was just the most horrible-funny scene around. He told me thanks and that the first take of that scene EVERYONE cracked up and were all laughing and that all the actors they got for the Stamford people were really good especially for Tony who the actor actually had worked for Shakespearean plays before. The man had been told that because he was such a big man he just had to play it little so he did that really well. Brent said (when I first saw him) that he had heard me talking to Justin about Product Recall and I told him I loved it (which I do even with its faults) and he told me they actually had moved the cold open from a different episode. I said I loved even more when Dwight pretended to be Jim because it was so unexpected and he told me it was a classic thing to do in comedy. I forget anything else we said although I'm annoyed at myself for not mentioning Business School which is in my top five episodes but oh well, he was super nice and friendly.

So I think at this point we were all trying to catch up to Greg and Paul. Mindy and Jennifer stopped to talk to the creater of Mad Men (which I mean to watch soon actually) and I was with them and it was just cool to hear them talking (such a fangirl here). The guy was reeally outgoing and seemed pretty funny and I later saw him at the SAG picket and he actually waved at me. Anyways, everyone was in a "writers circle" once they had gotten caught up to each other. At this point, two fans with personalized cupcakes came over and said their support and stuff. They told them about the website supporting the Office writers and about the food efforts which Mindy and Jennifer said they felt guilty about because they didn't need the food but sending letters were good. But they were really thankful, especially Mindy and Jenn who had the cupcakes and it was good to see them happy. So then Rainn came up to the group of office writers and joked with them. Later in a lull i went up to him and said I was a huge fan and I absolutely loved dwight and how he played him. I said something about loving him in the last episode and how he said "No" to Michael's being prepared in the wild.

The writers were all planning a lunch at Factors as well. So if you want to eat at a place The Office writers eat at, there you go ;) At this point Paul was walking over to the side of the street and Mindy asked him if he met me and he said he did and we had talked :) So then I went over to Greg and told him I was a huge fan and loved all his episodes, Fun Run, Halloween, Beach Games especially the Pam speech since Jennifer told me he wrote it and that made me and my friends all gasp and made us really happy. I showed him my Fun Run support the rapid bracelet I've been wearing ALL the time and he was really appreciative and thankful about it. As we return back to where we started, the writers are all leaving and all say goodbye to me (but they didn't actualy leave yet!) which was nice of them. So then I see Larry Wilmore and I went over to him and told him I'm a big fan of The Office out supporting the writers and that I loved Performance Review. He said I was the first person to tell him that and was really thankful. He's like, "Suggestion box meeting!" which was awesome and I made the famous Phyllis gun head thing. I might have said something else but I forget, I'm just glad I got a chance to say something as I love the episode and in my M/J obsessing days watched it sooo many times. So then I was off to try and find Ed as Jenn told me he was down the street. As I was going I saw Mindy and wanted to personally say goodbye to her. And she was sooo nice about it and said thank you to coming and then she HUGGED ME! It was awesome :D Definitely a highlight for me.

So I basically spent the next 15 minutes trying to find Ed to no avail. But that was okay because I ran into other people I knew. First it was Matt Battaglia who I freaked out a little because I was not expecting to see DREW BOYD (I should be lucky (unlucky?) to have seen Gale). So I went up to him and said hi, I'm a big fan of your work on Queer as Folk and I love your relationship with Emmett. And I told him I loved his Superbowl commercial too. And he was just so nice and thankful. I even got a picture with him which one of his friends took. In part because I didn't know if I'd see him again and I knew my QaF friends would want to see it ;) In even more squeeful news, I saw JASON BATEMAN walking down the street and had to stop and say hi. I told him I loved him in Arrested Development and that Michael was my favorite character on the show. He was nice about it and I told I was looking forward to seeing Juno and he said Michael Cera is in it too. I told him "I know" and that Rainn Wilson was in it as well. Later I saw him leaving and he said "See you later!" to me so that made me happy :) I also saw Josh Radnor from How I Met Your Mother and told him I was a big fan of HIMYM and I loved Ted and he was one of my favorite characters. And that he was adorable :) And he was thankful as well. Josh is a LOT hotter in real life I must say with the longer, slightly ruffled hair and he looks taller as well. I was all GUH seeing him.

At the end of the rally, I hung out on Pico St with hafital as I was exhausted but watched the picketers getting all the cars to honk. There I met C.S Lee from Dexter who I knew I recognized and I told him I loved the show and he did a great job with his character. And he said he got here late but wanted to support the writers. And then basically I talked to hafital some more and then when they collected all the signs, said goodbye and took the bus back home. All in all, it was an amazing experience and I had a great time showing my support.

The place I'm staying at has four cats who are all super cute and make me a lot happier to be here. I love cats. The pictures are under the cut as well.

The beast itself

Super cute dog helping to strike who really does need money for healthcare

Two Reno 911 actors

Matt Battaglia and me :D

Another view of Fox

Picketers at the end of the rally. See if you can spot C.S Lee!

One of the kitties looking cute

Another kitty rolling around

Big Kitty sleeping

Kelly sleeping in the sun

It figures that on the hottest day yet when I could utilize the Pacific Ocean and LA beaches, I'm too exhausted from Tuesday. Oh well. I've been rewatching Veronica Mars S1 and I love it sooo much. Now I remember how good this show can be and how much I love the great OT4, Veronica/Lily/Logan/Duncan or whatever way you want to put them. The Wrath of Khan still has one of my favorite storylines ever and the end always makes me cry a little. Oh, Lily. I still wish there had been a VM prequel. Still one of my favorite seasons ever and shows how important storylines are. I really want to vid it but am still searching for the right song. Today I also rewatched the Gilmore Girls pilot and OMG it's the cutest thing ever! It reminds me of Pushing Daisies in how charming and funny and how great the dialogue is. Plus I am full of love for all the characters especially Lorelai <3. Knowing how it all ends makes it all the more poignant especially that last scene. They really have grown a lot. I actually do have a vid song for the show but I'm not quite sure if it fits Luke/Lorelai and I don't have the motivation do it to Dean/Rory or whatever else would fit better. Ooh and I loved House last night! First all around good episode since the S4 opener IMHO (not counting the squeeful 97 Seconds plotline of LOVE).

It's weird, I always feel like I'm on East Coast time when I'm in California. Like at 6 PM, it felt like 10 to me or sometime later. And then I wake up at 6 or 7 which is just ridiculous for me. Brain, adjust to the time zone already! Also, it's sad that I actually wish today wasn't Thursday. Because it's the last time a new Office episode will be airing, probably for the year :( And I hear there's a cliffhanger which sucks. Today I'm going to the Raleigh Studios (where I met Melora last year!) to join the "Gay Gate" picket and hopefully see some people from Ugly Betty the "gayest show on TV" :) I love my show. Plus it'll be great to support TWO causes I believe in.

veronica mars, house, strike, queer as folk, gilmore girls, arrested development, the office

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