Happy Birthday to
sweetestdrain! It was great to meet and talk to you at Vividcon :) Also belated Happy Birthdays to
sarah_p and
So Bascon was lots of fun. I definitely needed that (although not the hellish transportation experience but I'm trying to forget about that). It was so wonderful to see some people from Vividcon (including
paraviondeux and
falzalot) again, have lots of vidtalk and see a vid show. The panels were all interesting and fun to listen to (I did say a few things so yay courage!) with my favorites probably being the Supernatural and Race in Fandom ones. And Vid Review of course. Part of my goal for the con was to not miss Vividcon as much (9 more months!) and it did help to get some fannish and vidtalk interaction. Also I checked out San Francisco which I loved, very different feel from LA but lots of cool things to see like the Golden Gate Bridge, Fisherman's Wharf and Union Square. Now I can't wait for Escapade in February :)
I voted for the first time last Tuesday in beautiful California *loves state some more* I'll forgive you even if you did reelect Schwarzenegger. More importantly, Democrats won the House and Senate! Yay! Normally I hate politics because I despise the hatefulness, bashing and dishonesty that goes on for both sides and it often depresses me of the state of the nation. But I've been so happy and optimistic about it lately and have actually read some news articles about it. It's just a refreshing change from 2004 when reading my Flist depressed me and now I'm just bathing in the positive. The bipartisan spirit that's going on gives me so much hope. I really am an idealist at heart.
At my college, during them month of January we have an interterm where you can take a course, travel or just stay home. I'm definitely staying in California as there's NO WAY on earth I'd deal with a month of cold weather since that's why I came here in the first place. Besides this is home although I will admit that I like my parents a LOT more when I'm away from them (especially when they send money hehe). Also, my roommate is staying home so if any of you want to come down to SoCal and stay with me (for FREE), consider yourself invited :) Anyways during January, I've decided on just taking tennis and no academic course as I really need a break from the academic obligations. But I'm totally making up my own course which will be Vidding 101 otherwise known as heaven. I even made up a description for it!
Vidding 101: This course explores vidding through a variety of methods, both theoretical and applied. Traditional reading selections will include material on film theory and aesthetics, editing, color and movement, music, narrative theory, rhetoric and other applicable topics. Internet readings include a wide range of vid meta that more directly addresses the topic. Theoretical readings will be applied to viewings of a wide variety of vids, from a diverse selection of fandoms and vidders. Written responses include both short and long feedback, vid recs with descriptions, personal reflections on vidding, commentary on personal work and original vid meta writings. Siginificant time will be spent vidding to vids in different stages of development and applying concepts learned to the vids in progress. Other supplemental activities include watching shows that vids are made from to understand the context and improve the general vid watching experience.
I'm so excited! *looks forward to January* Ok, here's the Six Random Facts Meme as I was tagged by
dualbunny and
maddie508Once tagged by this entry, the assignment is to write a blog entry of some kind with six random facts about yourself. Then, pick six of your friends and tag them; no tag backs. This explanation should be included. I'm not tagging anyone, do it if you'd like.
1. My most precious possessions is my laptop, video iPod and external hard drive. I'd save them first from a fire anytime.
2. I can be very absentminded and lose a lot of things. This semester I've lost my room key twice and my mailbox three times although I found it two of those times.
3. Ridiculous is my favorite word. Because it's fun to say and because the entire "Ridiculously Romantic" B/J scene is my favorite scene ever. Second goes to California as I love saying it and being here.
4. I have a hard time coming up with things at the top of my head which is making this meme hard for me. I like to read things and then make connections to my own life (which I believe is my Ne ie extroverted intuition showing).
5. I love sports such as football, basketball (just found out my favorite player, Hakin Warrick is doing well!), soccer, tennis (Roger Federer and Peter Sampras are my favorite players), skiing (what I'm doing Thanksgiving weekend at Big Bear or Mammoth) and ice skating which I'm going to do next Thursday. I love that adrenaline rush.
6. I am still hopelessly behind. My problem is I set a big task ahead of me and don't allow myself to do other work before that but then just procrastinate on doing it by doing fun stuff. Le sigh.
Off to reply to posts and watch Firefly. I love Saturdays.