Update On Me

Nov 02, 2006 11:20

So I've been really busy the past month and it's really interfering with my fannish life as well as a multitude of other things I want to do. The good thing is November shouldn't be as bad so I'll actually have time to do stuff. I'm working on catching up to LJ right now so if you get a comment from me from a post you posted awhile back, that's why.

The best news is that I'm going to bascon and I'm sooo excited! It gives me a great excuse to check out San Francisco for the first time and I've been dying to see the city. I can't wait to see and walk along the Golden Gate Bridge as well as check out all the other sights. I just remember seeing it on the Disneyland Soaring over California ride and thinking it was beautiful (have I mentioned how much I LOVED that ride?). But most of all I'm looking forward to seeing some people from Vividcon, meeting some new ones and discussing slash, TV and fandom. Should be lots of fun and I've been looking forward to it for awhile. On another I love California note, I'm ridiculously happy with all the great weather. It feels so nice to go outside and feel the sunshine shining down on my face. It's what I call my heat and sun therapy as it really helps to get rid of the bad memories of the cold. And I went through my first Santa Ana winds! Which is not fun to bike against, I can tell you that much. People say California gets no seasons (to which I say, thank god) but 80s+ for summer, 70s for fall and spring and 60s for winter works just right for me. And I'm planning on going skiing in the mountains for Thanksgiving so there's my winter. I love my state.

Good luck to everyone doing NaNoWriMo! I tried it last year, in an effort to get myself to write, and while it did get me to write more than I would have (I had 4,000ish words), it's definitely not for me. I liked my story but it confirmed that I just like to write dialogue for the most part. I'd rather spend my time this month vidding which I desperately need to do more of. I got my first Everwood and BtVS ideas (with music) in the past month which makes me happy although I'm not sure when I'll have time to do them. The Everwood one is not what I was expecting with what I wanted to vid the show to but it does explore the family dynamics and it's very clear to me in terms of clips so I'm planning on doing it. I'm just happy that I have the song because lately I've been getting ideas for what I want to vid a show to, not just "I want to vid this character/relationship" but what I actually want to show about it and its frustrating to know I'll have to wait til I find the right song to it.

More reasons I love my college: we have a TV club! The professor in charge of it is trying to build a bigger TV presence at the film school which I'm really happy about. He worked on Step by Step and is bringing a bunch of the people who wrote on the show down next week to discuss it and have a Q & A. I'm probably the only non film major there but I'm interested in the process and can't wait to learn more about it. And an added bonus is my friend from Japanese class came to it so I actually know someone there. In other college type news, I've been looking into career options and I'm thinking of becoming a career counselor or something like that. I've always been really interested in personality and matching people up with things according to their interests, skills, values, etc (this is why the college admissions process interested me) so it sounds like something I'd be happy doing. I'm going to explore it more and keep checking out other options but I need a goal for my future to feel secure. Knowing there's something out there that I'd love to do and that I can do makes me happy and feel good about my future. Plus it helps me work on schoolwork when I don't care much about the material or don't feel like doing it. I've learned that I'd much rather learn about things on my own rather than be forced to do it through classes and grades but for now I can deal with it.

I love my video iPOd with all my heart still. How did I survive without one so long? Playing vids and tv shows on it is just the coolest thing in the world. It helped me get through Life on Mars which I finally finished and loved. Awesome show, now I actually understand all the vids to it (which all rock btw and I will be leaving some feedback soon). Also I had the pleasure on Tuesday of having only one class and all my other obligations cancelled, so I got to curl up and read a book. Which happened to be His Majesty's Dragon of the Temeraire series as I went out and bought all three of the books. I am SO glad I did because I LOVED the book. I absolutely adore dragons and am now dying to have one. Particularly Temeraire who is the best dragon ever. And did you hear the books might be made into a movie by Peter Jackson?! So awesome. I'm planning on reading the next two on my way to Bascon and back. Speaking of reading, I also read Flowers for Algernon which I had read a short part of it about eight years ago and really liked it. But reading the whole thing destroyed me, the book gets to the heart of a lot of my emotional issues and broke me with all the emotion. Amazing book though, I definitely recommend it and the Temeraire series wholeheartedly.

I've been loving the TV season so far and sadly do not have time to write about all of it. But Supernatural, Friday Night Lights, Torchwood and Grey's Anatomy all have been great. I will hopefully be able to get caught up on BSG so I can watch that as well. Just finished the first episode of Heroes and liked it, it has some potential although I need to connect with the characters a bit more before I can really get into it.

Okay, I'm done. Off to bascon!

everwood, college, california, tv, personal, books

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