More Grey's Anatomy Thoughts

Feb 23, 2006 01:12

Well I've quickly renewed my past obsession with Grey's Anatomy after Sunday's episode and a rewatching of season 1. Rewatching the first season helped me remember why I love these characters, their relationships, all the crazy medical stuff, the humor, the music...I could go on and on. I love the freshness of the beginning, before we had so many of the problems and the mixed up love geometric shapes. Not to say I don't enjoy that, but its nice getting a taste of what it was like before it. Plus it made me remember why I love some of the characters I haven't enjoyed so much this season. That would be Meredith, George, McDreamy and to a much less degree, Addison but that's more in the middle of season 2 (can't believe we're approaching the end of s2 :( ). But I really like them now, most significantly Derek as he's been disappointing me lately and I haven't understood why everyone is so goo goo eyes over him. I still don't get the hotness effect but he certainly has charmed me over so I really like him again. And now I get the Derek and Meredith shippers because they really are sooo cute together in the first season. Very romantic with some great lines and moments together. I especially loved the end of episode 8 which melted my romantic heart. I hope that the writers will eventually give them some of that happiness again.

On that note, I've fallen more in love with Mark and Mark/Addison (Maddison) and am pulling for a happy ending for them and D/M. Mark and Addison just make sense to me, they both have these great, confident personalities that are admirable as well as being perfect for major chemistry which I see between them. He really loves her and wants her which Derek is unable to give. I think in this case, all parties need to forget the morals and obligations and past hurts and do what will make them happy and move them forward in their lives. I keep rewatching the Yesterday episode and it stuns me not only how gorgeous McSteamy is but how he can say just the right thing and how he carries himself. The elevator scene gets me everytime and is an honest portrayal of how the situation stands now. The touch is beautiful and says everything. In my eyes, Mark/Addison should not only be together because they love eachother but because they're a better match than Derek/Addison. They remind me of the Nip/Tuck triangle of Sean/Julia/Christian with the two guy friends and the woman they both love who marries the wrong one...which leads to the cheating and splitting up they both experience. I just wish in each case, they chose the right person so this mess wouldn't happen.

Anyways, I'm hoping the writers will give us some flashbacks of NYC and the early relationship of Derek/Addison/Mark as well as keeping Mark around (PLEASE!) and getting him back with Addison. I'm just hoping they can stay in Seatle as unrealistic as it may seem. I can only hope...I also need some more clips of them for a video I'm planning on making. My rewatching GA episodes in part stems from this need to outlet my obsession into something creative. Reeeally can't wait for the next episode, only 4 more days!

mark/addison, nip/tuck, grey's anatomy

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