Here are my panel notes (part 1) for Vividcon 2014, apologies for the lateness. I missed the Feedback and Using Vids in Class panels, sorry but you can find some notes from the mods for the Using Vids in Class
here and
here and the mod for the Feedback panel may be posting notes at some point soon. If you're looking for more notes for the panels,
kass has some
here. I did my best at hearing and typing as accurately as I could but sometimes people had quiet voices or I couldn't type fast enough so these are not perfect transcriptions especially as they are not completely proofread. If you see something and want it corrected (or credit), feel free to let me know as I'd love for it to be more accurate.
Still Preoccupied with 1985
Notes from the modsMore notes from the mods -was there any influence in watching MTV music videos growing up?
-when I say a music video, I mean MTV, professional, for money, made to promote the song (vid is fan made)
-I’ve been thinking about commercial music video, how much that we do is different from commercial music video, there is an early crucible, theres more stuff in the mix, will talk about Kandy Fong, the Beatles who detached music and performance video (strawberry fields forever), you can split the image from the sound, kandy said why not do that with star trek, grabbed Billy Joel’s Pressure, rioting in front of a screen, cali crew fan made vid, theres something going on, pressure for making a video for a con, theres something commercial, some people (killa) was inspired by visual style, used to feel music, synesthesiasynesthesia, music video is more about feeling than plot driven sense, what do we share in creating feeling
-they want you to feel to buy the song
-from watching in childhood, i remember video to the music when I only hear music
-what is the purpose of music videos? to make people feel
-Any strong opinion on whether commercial videos taught you?
-you can have narrative that is a direct difference from the lyrics, (created its own thing), liked the ones on MTV that had a narrative but not direct translation of lyrics
-take on me was a one hit wonder, they had a great video that helped people listen to it
-a pretty face is a pretty face but we need a lot more than just that, we need action, a turn of a person’s head, something else going on
-a great way to see new visual effects, see something new
-new way of cutting, everyone has an attention span of 3 seconds, seeped into the culture
-a lot of the influence is not visual but musical, this is not my 80s, 120 minutes plan, taping like it was a church and a crack pipe combined, what music are people using in vids, it would be much better if i found the music remotely interesting, mtv was the source for stuff i wouldn’t hear on the radio
-first experience with meta, phil collins made a vid to don’t lose my number, in the vid he walks through other music videos
-vid example: Don’t Lose My Number by Phil Collins
-this is an example, let’s have a concept, lets have a hook
-condensed narrative, music videos did this well, stepping out of music video, joe jackson, about having a fantasy of wonderful romantic meeting, constructed narrative through song
-told this emotional story in 3 minutes, can do this with images
-because of the cyclical nature of pop songs, had to do that, fannish videos use the choruses to progress their narrative…
-there are a lot that have a coherent, specific narrative that are related to lyrics but not ultra specific, all coming back to me now, related to lyrics but don’t make sense specifically, fancy does similar
-levels of abstraction, divorcing the sound and the images, once you divorce that you have a lot of freedom for images, sometimes nothing coherent, figures moving but no real story
-where did they get these images, we have source we have feels for, they don’t, where do they get things from
-grew up in 90s, music videos from movie soundtrack so almost a vid
-i disagree, they are a highlight reel for the movie
-a lot of the musicians don’t like music videos because they think its limited based on the lyrics, academics disagree, talked about how to adapt plays and such to film, poetry to film? yes, vids, auditory visual poetry, something that rachel sabotini said 30 years ago, students say, why can’t poetry say one thing, you might feel different every time you read the poetry, students hate this, you need patience and sense of compression, you could write novels about those 12 lines of poetry, you teach that patience to go word for word, even commercial video is filming poetry, where does it come from, song inspired filmmaker to come up with a set of images, we didn’t start a fire, oh a fire, just that idea that a professional video has a similar set
-80s vids particularly, cyndi lauper, take on me, they create a community, now we’re in on the story of the song, girls just want to have fun, everyone dancing in a street, like a con vid, now you’re in on it, now you’re one of us
-Fan Thursday, a song comes on and we all stop and go, Fringe
-thats what that song is about now
-music videos in the 80s, it was an experimental art form, people trying to figure out what to do with it, that helped me understand that lots of things are possible, no one true way
-so many filmmakers got there start from music videos, a lot of female videos because it was the shit end, no one cared about the music videos, it was just the thing they had to do, three debbies who had to do it, it got popular and then the proto directors came, before it made a lot of money [see cesperanza's LJ post for more]
-music videos started having sequels, aha video had sequels, The Sun Always Shines on TV
-inspirational to me, sequel to Take On Me, (watch it), this cutting style is how i cut, also internal motional, when they used lumber shots and when they used transitions, it won an mtv award for video editing, 80s videos demonstrated how when you apply the music to the world of fiction, its transformative, so what happens when michael jackson walks down the street, the light lights up, thats transformative
-literal transformation of the environment, bodies are synchronized with instruments, lim did a marvel vid, betaed on that vid, every time drums come in, the hammer came down, instruments are related to music, eye and ear are synchronized, this whole vid is the world, its a visual picture of what the music looks like (daft punk video) we’re choreographing through editing, this is a visual depiction of this music, one of the things i thought was interesting, when a human body is represented in an audiovisual manner, talks about racial implications, it took a long time to get there, now it apples to slash…transforms the way we perceive bodies
-i remember rap, before walk this way with DMZ, only place to see rap was on rap show, it was ghettoed there, it was almost all white bodies on regular music video shows
-madonna did things in music videos, she wasn’t allowed to do things that michael jackson could, she couldn’t grab her crotch like him in music videos, also thinking about gender, hearing for the first time that 4/5 of the music videos on mtv are guys, no one wants to see a video with a woman
-i was young when mtv music videos was a thing, i saw possibility that i didn’t see around me, around me i saw gender roles, seeing madonna and others i saw more possibilities, important to me at that age
-females have more success in experimental film, we have more possibilities, less rules, vidders know how hard it can be to get 3 minutes, not tied to plot based rules, in a dream world, associative world, provide a space for women and other kinds of dreaming
-vid example: Everybody Hurts by REM
-gets kind of tell-y, stories created from the people in the cars
-some people didn’t understand that, your audience couldn’t be trusted so they tell you
-they made a movie to deconstruct, they use the traffic jam as found footage, they made a bottle episode
-Dark Side of the Moon, you have to know how to interpret lyrically
-these things play how humans naturally need to associate things with each other
-use your ear to interpret what you’re seeing, the visuals tell you how to understand the song vs. vice versa in vids
-who is the audience for any of these, whose looking and consuming it
-sense of community: peter gabriel dancing chickens
-music to interpret the visuals, relationship between movie background music, soundtracks
-beginning of the big chill works as a vid, feels more fanviddy to me than movie soundtracks usually work, can replace some songs on soundtrack and dont really care, replaced songs on dvd and cant do that, cant do swap audio feature on youtube
-instrumental is emotional heightening, difference between watching with it off and on
-thats like the fake trailers, the shining as a family comedy, different strokes recut with creepy music, why is white man letting in black kids into his car, omg you take out the music and its creepy
-vid example: Amadeus rock icon?? images that mtv had no control over it, look at similarities, look at the flow, it was a way to interpret something that had no words
-for fanvids and instrumental, we want it to have more of a story
-sociopolitical context can be different, relax by frankie goes to hollywood, kink subculture
-what hollywood thought a bdsm club looked like versus what it was really like
-it was queer to start, when TV was a shit art form before the auteurs showed up, the poeticness of it allows for multiple interpretations, a lot of space for it
-land of confusion, political song, music video recontextualized it as a part of the song even though the song didnt say it, similar to what we do
Vid Purpose
-we talk about writing purpose, wow this really connects to vids, maybe we can talk about it, provide a framework, a way to think about vids, probably wont shatter your mind, wanted to present something useful, start thinking deeper about your process
-in writing there is three basic purposes, to teach/inform, to entertain, to persuade, in vidding what are you trying to do primary, some vids will fall into multiple categories
-why do we care? vid is a visual statement, the effectiveness of the vid relies on how well it makes the statement
-does the audience understand what the vid is saying, does the vidder understand what the vid is saying?
-when you have a child, you have an idea of what your kid is going to be, they are going to grow to be their own person, based on the song and source you have to let the vid be what it is, if the vid doesn't know what its going to be than it'll be hard for the audience to get it
-add in last part
-to teach/inform: recruiter vids, character studies, movie vids, meta vids
-recruiter vids: example: lost girl vid: here is bo who kicks ass, who is kenzi, a good recruiter vid will tell you what the show is about in clear ways
-character studies: teaching you who a character is, why they have a certain circumstances
-movie vids: im going to tell you what this vid is in three minutes
-meta vids: wide variety of things, first thing that came to mind, walking on the ground of vidding history, how much is the geisha in the window, firefly is really fucked up, teaching the audience something
-if it fails: unclear/confusing, wrong idea entirely, you think the vid says something but the audience learns something different from that
-theres different levels: teach people who dont know the movie versus teaching people who already know the movie, should i try to entertain others who dont know the source
-i run a ship con, all media about this pairing, i knew i could show context heavy clip, so much would be lost at VVC
-good to have a beta that doesnt know the fandom, we impose a narrative on the visuals, cutting choices tell a completely different story, the benefit to a non-knowledge based beta, "and then the demon disappears"..."um noo"..."ok change that clip"
-To entertain: club vivid/dance, comedy, motion/effects heavy, meant to be an experience more than a message
-sometimes you get entertainment from sad feelings, people like BECCA, then she gives us hugs after
-a lot of vids with sex/nudity or shiny source, youre not going to watch it, here are the good parts
-multi-theyrefandomness, women are awesome, different shows, similar themes
-examples: hot, hot hot, i get that everyone is hot, awesome kitchen sink vid, point is to enjoy it for what it is
-a lot of ship vids, omg their faces, vidders are just like YAY, pretty pretty faces and we're done
-good to show to people who are less experienced at watching vids, not visual people type vids, usually its this category, good gateway category
-i show my will and grace vid first, its fun, easy to understand
-comedy vids: if they're not laughing or not laughing for the right reason, it didnt work
-if it fails: boring, concept ruined/stale, difficult/unpleasant to watch, supposed to be a fun watching experience and it just doesnt work
-what will they want to watch, how can I keep it interesting
-to persuade: slash/ship vids, AU vids, crossover vids, recruiter vids
-tough to do well, let me prove to you that these two characters are actually doing it
-AU vids: to take canonical clips or external source, convince they are watching something else
-crossover vids: sarah/olivia dunham (hands away by chaila), please convince me, my body is ready, and it did, i bought it, i was there
-recruiter: come, come to my world, i want you to watch this world
-some character studies, three point characterization, southwest voodoo of willow to ordinary and transparent, two different sides of her, songs that embrace the plot and some make an argument, you can argue different sides of the character being more dominant
-meta vids often make an argument of something, they rely on audience knowledge and further it based on that
-inform and persuade are on the same spectrum, it depends on the audience
-persuading is two parts, inform is one way, telling you something and im walking away, versus persuading of do you buy into it or not
-no matter what youre selecting the clips youre making, youre making an argument based on the clips you select, for them to be informative, you have to agree with them right away
-there is an overlap, what is my primary objective, am i trying to change your thinking or add to it
-this is a congenial framework for the way i vid, also vidding as self-expression, all of these are audience focused, your purpose is to do x to a vid, the way kiki_miserychic or kuwdora talk about vidding, making vids that never get released because the point was to make them, they may also do them for a particular audience
-its not supposed to be limited, like myers briggs, some vids dont fit
-when i make a vid, im making two vids at the same time, its all coming back to me, either spock gets his memories back but underneath it, he's not just getting his memories back, hes getting kirk back, i made it for two different audiences, not sure where it fits
-its up to you, when i watch my own vid, im carrying so much context with it, so what is it i want to translate and have the audience take away
-interesting with feedback panel, if i can decide what i think the vid is trying to do, i can leave feedback saying i totally get it and you convinced me, if inform then i get it, im going to watch this movie
-if it fails: audience wont buy it, audience wont want to investigate the source
-heres someones face, now you should watch it, heres the show and you wont want to watch it but heres why you should, a character study of why the guy everyone thinks is a douchebag but thats wrong and heres why is persuasive
-some people need different aspects of persuasion to get there, part of it is having a general sense of the audience, it really depends on the vid
-if youre watching a vid: what do you think is the purpose? what is the working thesis/objective of the vid? how effectively did the vidder convey it?
-having a working statement/thesis, as a vid audience member, if you can sum up a vid in one sentense, then you probably are successful, on youtube i see a paragraph explaining it and i worry it wont come through
-vid example: Narrow Escape by jarrow
-shit blew up and it was really awesome
-things blow up, blowing things up are fun, not trying to convince you of anything
-could teach us how to survive an apocalypse -thats a different vid
-vid example: Like My Very Own Blood by jarrow
-persuade because its very context heavy, less informative, youve seen this show, this flavor of this relationship you havent paid attention
-its pretty fucked up, its certainly more persuasive, wanted to think about the relationship, wanted to show familial but also fucked up, show this angle, i want you to see it the way i do and buy into it
-it read more as teaching, i missed 80% of lyrics but what i could hear "love you like my own son", it felt more informative than persuasive
-going to drill into father-daughter, she has issues, father-daughter
-anyone uninformed with show will be informed, you mean theres a unicorn that hurt clark?
-vid example: 21 by jarrow
-its me rehashing the film, the good parts edition, hey this movie exists and its funny, the opening sequence swirly, i was setting it out to be entertainment, its pretty clear its card counting, i just wanted it to be fun to watch
-vid example: hurricane by laura shapiro
-primary purpose is to entertain, what shes entertaining is the fantasy, she had to persuade us that it is what is really happen
-persuading to write fic
-context and audience, if you dont know both then you might not see constructed reality
-mostly persuasion, show same universe and theyre together
-mostly to entertain for the vidder
-the kind of persuasian being done is different, i dont need to be persuaded that they would be hot together, i need to be visually persuaded
-does the vidder know what the purpose is, some vids on YT try to do this and fail, im going to describe where they met but then they just show random clips, starbuck vid informed first, showing theyre father and daughter and then moved into persuasive
-for each type of purpose, what do effective vids/vidders do that makes that purpose clear?
-frame properly with the beginning and end
-need to give audience things to latch onto, make sure lyrics and visuals are clear, what clips do i need to use to show what im trying to say
-what do you think is the purpose (which one is most important), what is the working thesis/objective of the vid? what choices will make the purpose clear to your audience? does everything in your clip support your thesis?
-they can entertain you as a means to lead you to some direction and then screw with you, good example is on the prowl, im going to entertain, its going to get creepy, it entertains and then inform, im going to manipulate the trust you have and then betray that trust
-sweetestdrains's west of her spine, no the vid is about something completely different, memorable, you can exploit people's buy in
-handlebars, doctor who vid, its entertaining character vid and then turns into persuasive
-many vids are persuasive and try to convince you of something, that has created a connection, its going to stay with me
-make things very unambiguous and clear in the beginning, then later put in unambiguous things, when you hammer the argument home, just use repetition like women's work, show everything on spn so that its a strong argument
-showed vid to non vid watcher: entertaining but showing that its about breathplay, it didnt occur to him that you could take that movie and make it transformative
-festivids: i know you want a vid to this movie, do you want a fluffy or sad vid, see if you can find what the purpose will be
Out of Context Theatre
-out of context vids: recruiter vids, festivids, vids your friends watch out of pity, vids for nonfandom specific con, vids for fandom specific con, vids where even you have not seen the source
-Four arbitrary categories of audience knowledge: real world actual fact knowledge, fandom osmosis, fandom, you have seen this too many fucking times
-you have seen this too many fucking times: theres nothing actually happening in this clip, they arent even talking because that would be disracting, but you know what they were talking about a few seconds before the clip, SO ITS MEANINGFUL
-you've actually seen this: this is what you can reasonably count on your audience knowing if theyve actually seen the thing
-ben and glory are the same person, garret dillahunt is two separate robots and also a dude, shinji's mom is everyone, which tatiana maslany is which
-this is on your dash: i have never seen supernatural, im pretty sure i know more about the plot of supernatural than i do the plot of angel (seen it), what was Pylea, this is useful if you want people to know who people are
-you do not have global amnesia: this is literally all the knowledge in the world, and outside it, is there writing in your vid? can your audience read it?, does your audience know what this gesture means, what this color suggests? how field hockey works? does your audience know what humans are?
-character makes a wtf face holding up a dildo, i thought it was funny, no one knew what it was (it had a slopy edge on it!), need to establish dildo in shot
-we have a shared cultural knowledge that other cultures maybe dont such as country history
-Visual information: walking left to right, camera movement, family photo albums, clothing, facial expression, long shots, setting
-dont need to show when he discovered something, just show what he discovered and then show reaction shot
-sometimes lack visual cues for robots
-need to establish that its a scifi show and not a drama, need to find characters that have powers with visual cues
-you can always animate your own clips, draw pictures, text of i cant find the clips i need
-Words in vid: audio snippets, text on screen, text in show: names written on screen, someone writing things, words mouthed, lyrics
-Audio Information: song genre, words again, song title, song language, themed sounds (storm, sirens, things breaking)
-metadata: vid summaries, how the fuck do they work, title, tags, genre, warnings, grabbing people by the shoulders and explaining the entire plot to them as they stare at you in increasing fear and discomfort
-Do you give a fuck? you can make a vid that no one and the audience and you want that because its not a good vid and you want the audience to think youre deep
-last resort: just make people watch it
-making an imaginary vid with The Wicker Man 2006 (BEES)
-ask random person, what do you think is happening plotwise? wanted people to understand miami vice, vidder thought it was serious and not funny, what do you think of celine dion? thats a very pretty song, i dont know what it is, ask a non vidder, non fandomy person what they think happened
-making an imaginary Buffy vid, image of Buffy jumping into "lightning", portal, you can tell its a dramatic, ominous moment
-facial expressions can be clear even cross species, crying is clear, shot of blood can make it clear
-sepia and non-sepia is very obvious for flashbacks
-how to find balance of: this is how youre supposed to feel and how much to spoon feed
-pay attention to song, pay attention to emotional moments in song and put the right visuals to it, for menacing part, show menacing things, emotional rhythm of song, if you dont have obvious visuals, look for provocative images, put peaks to save for drama, people make connections
-people who have seen tv and movies are trained to have music tell us what to feel, reaction shot, subtley has no place in vidding
-i have been emotionally manipulated in media i dont care about but the music makes me care real hard
-how do you decide what level of knowledge youre aiming at?
-even with festivids you make choice of just recipient or everyone who watch it
-is it specifically recruiter vid, can the audience easily flee and if not i can do whatever i want
-with clip selection you can try to do double duty, help people who know and dont know with visual cues
-faster cuts can be harder to follow, five cuts in a row, chances are you lost me, clear lyrics help, if you vid it to music, i can go with it
-slower cuts for audience thats unfamiliar, be very clear for new faces who show up especially if they are all white guys
-show someone who has seen the source and someone who hasnt seen the source, check to see what gets across
-most of my vids for vvc and festivids, i want to give people who know the source something, give a structure for people who dont know to follow, can do it easily but need to show to people
-i tried to make a recruiter vid and it didnt come across and then i made a different one for festivids and it recruited somebody, hard to show relationships between people like boss-employee
-watched veritas, bad source quality, hard to vid with, tried to make the long slow song with two slashy guys, with slower clips you can actually tell whats on the screen
-more likely to get pulled into a vid where you can kind of understand a vid even if its made for viewers whove seen it versus vids where it spells out every single detail, ship/AU vids can make me think something interesting and i need to check it out
-you have to get creative, use objects of significant things, slash ships of rocky and apollo, beach, other shots, rumplestilskin, everything is all there, had to work hard when hes not in makeup, then made a vid for carrie on homeland, if shes not freaking out i had to do a lot more work like use the collages and pictures and facial expressions, think about what objects and places are significant, someone looks sad
-reminds me of strange fandom, watch vids you dont know at all and describe based on vid what actually happened, sometimes people got it and sometimes not, interesting to look at how context can be perceived, sometimes for a constructed reality vid it helps not to have context
-lyrics have been mentioned, can be contextual, cant always just rely on lyrics, cant always hear or dont process the meaning, bits and phrases stand out well, jugulate vs. juggle it, show a clip that describes whats being said
-if i made a general vid, people might want to watch it more, i bitterly reject having to make it for people who dont know, i just make the vid i actually want that has in depth knowledge
-i prefer that as recruiter vid, i want to see why i should watch it, if i wanted to know who everyone was, id watch the pilot
-sometimes i dont care if anyone else is going to get it, i want to do something in depth, i dont care if no one else will get...for recruiter vids, know what exactly about the source you want to convey about the source like plot or character or mood or how youre going to feel, you might not get clear on the relationships but will see the tension...
-if im vidding a source that not everyone has seen, i pick things i most care to convey, i think about how much energy i want to show and how helpful the song is in helping
-ive been out of context with source, two vids drew me into the source, yes give me more, ex. haven, franzi duke vid, made me fall in love with character, Tamacun by seah and margie, beautiful, shots and cinematography
-got recruited into a movie by a vid and then watched the movie and was sorry, happier when it was a mystery, heresluck's Donnie Darko vid got me to watch the movie
Gathering Source
How do you watch things?
-i torrent everything
-DVDs, Youtube, iTunes, VHS, video games, websites,
-what are the easy way to get high quality source
-even if i own, i use torrents because its already converted
-what if your torrent site doesnt have the footage?
-check out other private torrent sites, private comms on lj/dw
-googled torrent site invites and found lists of open ones, takes some work to google them, what terms to use, which ones are open
-several of coworkers say usenet, linux people still use it, has modern stuff
-ask people if they have the source
-rip dvds and put it through program to convert
-PC vidders also use avisynth, i use handbrake for mp4s
-download itunes files, use requiem to take away DRM, also tune4mac, must purchase file, remove audio
-need to break the encryption and get the files out that the computer can read, some DVDs like Marvel and Disney are harder to rip
-take out dvds from the library but didnt work for disney
-can also use a DVD recorder like taping stuff off tv, i used to have one awhile ago
-dvd recorder didnt work later for copyrighted stuff, not HD quality but better than earlier quality
-dvd decrypter is 9 years old and it still rips everything, they took it down but you can still find it online
-mac ripper pro for mac, mac the ripper was abandoned, it still works for most things i rip, doesnt work for some people i talk to, mac the ripper failed for last two james bond for me
-alternative for dvd decrypter, for modern dvd drive, use dvd fab decrypter, free option for the suite of tools, if dvd decrypter doesnt work
-i used product from aunsoft for blurays
-can use handbrake to rip
-ive had poor luck getting handbrake to work
-use torrents for blu-ray, dont even try
-ive heard good things about Make Mkvs
-Aux DVD HD for blu-ray
-progress on ripping blu-rays but its slow because they dont want to get caught
-DVD x copy, works for ripping blu rays, even disney stuff
-How do you rip streaming?
-download helper, extensions to download from youtube, extensions for firefox, chrome, etc, extensions will change fast
-keepvid type sites
-if want just one file from major streaming site, defaults to highest quality file, if want to d/l playlists or search term, when i did infomercial vid, python script called youtubedl, will d/l all videos
-youtube uses a different transport system that changes servers midstream, this open source software, youtubedl is constantly written to keep up with youtube, on github releases you can download script on mac
-download helper works for many other sites besides youtube, its a firefox extension
-on chrome, if theres a stream thats a mp4, bring up the developer tools, go to network, see stuff that network is downloading, look for the big one, click it, can see the link where its coming from, helped for hockey video
-sometimes can do view source on the page
-amazon is pretty hard, people who do rips for them, they use windows xp with a specific version of windows video that they can crack, if amazon gets rid of it, theyll have to screen capture it, amazon is hard because they get tiny pieces of video one by one and each can have different encryption keys which stitches them together, such a pain in the ass, tend to rely on other people who have magical machine and hope those people dont disappear
-how do d/l from netflix or hulu?
-mostly torrents
-wouldnt be surprised if someone had figured out how to be a rocky box
-video capture, how does it work?
-i use fraps, set it up whenever i press this key then you start and whenever i press it again you stop, full screen capture
-different to capture from a console than capturing off a computer, capture card of some kind, old fashioned ones are analog, same old story, plug in cables and record input, with PC, fraps is for games that use graphics card in some way that it can capture the buffer, only for gamges, for desktop capturing, they would use a piece of software (google open streaming for name), captures mp4 stream that you can hook up to twitch or save locally, similar one called xscreen?, i would know if i was at my computer
-now theres more tech support over the internet, theres more software for let me take over your computer and record things, now theres software to take over your console and record them, it works by hacking your video card, can also work for streaming sites its hard to get directly, the quality can be lower, its doing it after all the conversion, x-screen
-screen capture: the program not to use: radio video capture, the mpaa suggested that we use, tried to use it and then it looked bad and i got mansplained about pixellation, if i had only made the frame bigger
-do we still use vhs for modern vidding?
-i had to, not directly, had to pull out vhs from closet
-we still have vcr hooked up to computer, for multimedia vids, afraid to throw away because they dont make them anymore, kenopis (avv110) for capture, it will strip copyright protection, ignore macrovision
-jackiekjono has machine that strips off macrovision off of vhs if anyone needs them, just ask
-what about websites such as twitter feeds, how do we capture that in video form?
-why not screen cap and make it scroll?
-if capturing tumblr and want the animated gif, screen recording software for tumblr feed, the thing thats difficult, i want to scroll it smoothly or do some interaction, as soon as you start up screen capture, computer slows it down so it doesnt look right, thats the difficult part, video game streamers have used it for streaming their games that work just as well, fine if the website is just there but if need to do scrolling, it can be painful
-fast stone capture (free) can get scroll capture of a webpage for one giant scrolled image
-chrome plugin: awesome screen capture does same thing, takes entire web page into one image that does the same thing
-for capturing actually scrolling of webpage, trackpad on computer gets screwed up, goes into scroll mode, will scroll at that speed, trackpad tech varies so much, if you can get it working, its magic
-on mine, if you push the middle button on mouse and then move it a little bit, it will go in scroll mode, push it again to stop
-some screen capture like fantasia will not capture the mouse feature which can be useful or not
-one of the things to keep in mind, itll be at whatever resolution youre using, zooms can get pixelated, chrome has a feature, developer tools f12, press escape, you can emulate having a bigger monitor, then do zoom in and capture that so that it looks good, that can be useful if you want to zoom in on text
-absolutedestiny will post something soon after the con that takes any kind of mp4, mkv, etc and convert it into a really nicely editable mp4 with every frame being an iframe, not too big, not too lossy, oneliner to work for PC, mac, linux, should work for final cut, premiere, etc, searchable, seekable, use it all the time, can take all folder files and make new folder of files you can actually use (does it eat your soul? because ive got one), i had to read ffmpeg4 documentation but i worked it out
-used to have dish network, i had dvr, i could attach external hard drive to dvr, how to convert those files into something my vidding software can use?
-those are encrypted, dish network is old enough, certain people hacked into it, google it
-cards that you put in PC that are cable emulators, use PC as DVR, google to see if any of those are recommended by certain kinds of people
-check myDish streaming site for that
-what torrent sites are safe?
-private sites because people get kicked out for uploading bad stuff
-what is the movie torrent site equivalent to tvtorrents?
-demonoid is useless now, dont list seeds and leechers, its a crapshoot has everything, upload to a bunch of different sites, like iheartcinema before megaupload went down, you have to sign up but its free
-usenet is textbased but people will upload encoded videos, theres programs that are good about downloading the data, fixing errors, making it into high quality video
-usenet is much better than torrents, ive been using usenet for the last 3 years, seeders dont matter, can d/l at top of my bandwidth, i know nobodys can be snooping at my torrent, i connect by ssl by server, only usenet provider really cares, fortunate to use one in a nice european country (i can recommend some sites), costs a bit of money, 10 euros/month 150 gigs, amount of download or amount of time, for modern sites, you have nzb files, index of posts that have binaries, fancy bit of software to grab all the files to get the resulting files, equivalent of torrents for usenet, nzb files are shared on private sites, now names are called random numbers, the key is shared on private forums, download one file with a program, downloads as fast as you can, i can get extras from the avengers in 3 minutes, know im not going to get a letter from fox, thats not going to happen, that host might get a dmca so you would just get an incomplete which happens rarely or usenet host might get a dmca
-can use a seatbox for torrents to keep private, they cant track you
-usenet has a shelf life of 1000 days, anything in last 1000 days, can easily get as in the last 5 days
-we can have a one hour panel on video encoding and audio encoding, can follow instructions perfectly but have it not work in your video program, try what works for you, our computers have personality quirks, dont feel discouraged if it doesnt work, just keep trying
Lyrical Interpretation
Notes from the mods -so our panels about lyrics, we have a lot of categories to go over, we're basically going to give you what we see, an overview and then how we see things because we put them into categories to show you how people do lyrical interpretations and then from there you can apply it
-so this beautiful drawing i made is to show, theres a bunch of circles, all the categories overlap, you may see it one way, the vidder may have seen it another way, different categories fit into each other, a clip might go into a different category and it totally probably does but the way we interpreted goes into a different category
-so lyrical interpretation isnt anything new, people have done it forever, we're trying to make it a little more transparent in showing peoples choices, dissecting it to show the choices that they made to prove the point of their vids like their thesis
-the first one is A to B, literal interpretation, lyrics are what you see, the next couple clips we have show you the literal interpretation of the lyrics
-vid example: matrix vid ?? by mranderson, "beautiful and unique snowflake, you are the same organic matter as everyone else, we are the same matter"
-vid example: like a boss by (spn vid) ?? , "pussy out, jump out the window, suck a dude's dick"
-vid example: mama said knock you out by absolutedestiny, "move, don't ever come down, ??, paying the price, mama said knock you out"
-vid example: black dresses by sol_se, "hometown, greedy ??"
-did you guys notice the progression of the clips, they were all funny until the last one which was more serious, the justified vid (black dresses), its the same category, straight up literalization, not just humorous vids are in it
-the next section is A to B, which is the same literal interpretation but its A to B before the lyrics, youre watching something, you see it and then it comes up in the lyrics, still literal interpretation but theres an aha discovery moment because you see it and then you hear it
-vid example: ? by lithiumdoll "hand, runon"
-vid example: moves like jagger by kuwdora, "car"
-vid example: boom boom pow by hollywoodgrrl, "put your hands in the air, will i am"
-vid example: run boy run by hollywoodgrrl: "disappear in the trees"
-again like the previous category where its all humorous but you can do the same for serious things, also warnings...
-next section, we're still sticking to literal translation, A to literal B, out of music context, the easiest way to explain it is a lot of times we'll get love songs with violent source mixed with them, so they take the words literally but in the song it means something different, we have a couple clips to show
-vid example: jar oh hearts by jescaflowne, "anywhere to be found, fall back in your arms"
-vid example: applause by eli, "put your hands up, make em touch", it means clapping in the song, also means friends fist pumping in vid
-vid example: you drive me crazy by cherry, "you're so into me",
-vid example: tightrope by frayadjacent, "elevated", usually means social status, but in the vid, it means going up
-vid example: intelligent design by beccatoria, "food for thought"
-vid example: they want more by bironic, "i wander through the streets at night, charming couple, rest my head upon their necks", pov of dinosaur
-vid example: radioactive by grable, "painted red to fit right in, breaking in"
-we've finished to A to B with literal interpretation, the next section is A to C, where you go from the next logical steps from the lyrics
-vid example: black dresses by SE, "mans come and gone, black all along, stone where there should be a heart", explanation: shes the leader of a crime family with her sons and they mess it up and she has to punish them
-vid example: skeleton key by isagel, "go home, tell of my arrival", go home as in you're dead, arrival, not so much of arrival of a place but of a different aspect of that character
-vid example: past the feeling by anoel, "mothers keys", the apple is the key
-vid example: if a machine by cara marie, "chip it, hear it ring", the clips are all of cyborgs, robots and the chip it, hear it ring is human emotions are coming out, its not a bell, they took it a couple steps further down
-vid example: woman king by sdwolfpup, "sword in hand, swing at some evil", that one is deadwood, alma is the woman king, x(flick?) is the sword, she swings the sword at her father who is evil
-vid example: beautiful struggle by nc, "they call me the political rapper even after I tellem i dont fuck with politics i dont even follow it", harry is pushed, then his name is put into the goblet, he didnt put it there so its telling you he really doesnt fuck with it but other people make him fuck with it, they also do a juxtaposition where they show you someone does fuck with it which is cedric embraces his wizarding celebrity, then they show you the clip of people cheering and then they give you...
-vid example: orgin stories by giandukiss, "outside world recedes from view, make up, memories of you", A to B for make up would be lipstick, eye shadow, A to C makeup is blood on the face, memories of you in context is memories of a person, in this specific one its Dana gets memories of previous slayers
-vid example: sea lion by lithiumdoll, "gave me the stone gave me the chisel, dont say to hold them", the stone is sam, the chisel is john, the pov is dean, so the literal A to B would be ? but they went a step and made it people
-vid example: marble house by hollywoodgrrl, "some things i do for money, some things i do for free", you see the scarecrow and youre supposed to connect the things martha does for free is the same as the scarecrow which is the soldier for the doctor
-vid example: follow the cops back home by obseessive24, "lets follow the cops back home, rob their houses", within the clip, olivia following the people, our guy, to our universe and robbing the cops is fucking peter
-vid example: at my house by ohvienna, "fist fight, my house cant get in the door", cant get in the door means literally cant walk in the door but theres a clip of chloe's character eating birth control, cant get in the door that way, character climbing in the window
-this next section is A as evolution, same lyrics and it takes on a different interpretation, jarrow explained it perfectly yesterday, these are the vids that betray your trust, they start out as one thing and then they evolve into something else, completely different
-vid example: hot in herre by sweetestdrain, "its getting hot in here so take off all your clothes", slow but along the way theres breadcrumbs
-vid example: young and beautiful by obsessive24, "will you still love me when im no longer young and beautiful...", along with the evolution of the pov, theres different lyrical interpretations as it goes along, it starts more interpersonal and then towards the end it evolves into larger
-vid example: jolene by nicole anell, "jolene please dont take my man", bsg vid, jolene presented as a woman whose trying to take a man but it slowly evolves into something much greater which is cylons and the final four
-vid example: stayin alive by hollywoodgrrl, "stayin alive", at first stayin alive is ripley physically trying to stay alive, evolution that she one, loses her humanity in each movie, coincidentally represented by her hair becoming shorter with each movie as she becomes more alien like she literally is part alien in the fourth movie, also PTSD stayin alive
-with the repeated lyrics, dont always have to have an evolution, it can still be satisfying
-vid example: remember the name by obsessive23, "five percent pleasure", slaps are always satisfying (only five?)
-A as inside, like an inside joke or something that only a careful attentive viewer of the show would read or a reading only you and a handful of other people have or inside a vidder's brains, it makes sense to you but no one else in the world but you dont really care, but sometimes it works, this is one that works
-vid example: everything is wrong by laura shapiro, "and everything you said was wrong", she says bagels instead of bagels, non viewers might not get it, why are bagels falling and its wrong, there are some people whove seen it like my aunt who still didnt get it
-vid example: fiddle and the drum by kiki_miserychic, "like the enemies youve earned", bad example from my own vid, viewer has to remember the episode, remember what happens, place one clip, they have to remember the stargate team created the doesnt work
-vid example: black dove by kiki miserychic, "woods" woods have trees, trees make paper, paper make books, books go in a library, have to remember giant thingy is a library
-vid example: run boy run by hollywoodgrrl, "the sun will be guiding you", in order to really get it, we have to know shekh ma shieraki anni [she said it!] means "my sun and stars" which is what dany calls him, her husband which starts her journey
-vid example: run boy run by hollywoodgrrl, "youll be a man boy", this is for people who know the show and the books, arya is starting her journey to be a master assassin, that guy is a master assassin, eventually she will be a man like him, also he goes around calling himself man all the time
-vid example: at my house by ohvienna, "cowbell", cowbell = babies, but if you dont watch the show, its about fundamental mormons, they want a lot of kids, some of the wives want more kids and some of the wives dont want kids thats why some take birth control
-vid example: mama said knock you out by absolutedestiny, "muhammad ali", sometimes need cultural understanding, need to know who muhammad ali is for understanding
-vid example: woman king by sdwolfpup, "hundred years", need historical context of it sucks to be a woman
-A as apples to oranges, have a lyrical interpretation fits concept, not the lyrics, cant cut the lyrics out of the song because its too cumbersome, fits the concept, not the lyrics
-vid example: your honor by kiki_miserychic, "youve been fighting for my honor...", that lyric worked in other parts, i need to show andy's part, i needed to show the guns and the reason why she did stuff so it doesnt really match,
-vid example: white chalk by hollywoodgrrl, "where i walked our unborn child in me", i loved the song for the concept, the problem with the song was this end part, in this song shes pregnant thinking about her lover, in the movie its about a daughter and father so i didnt want to make it seem like an incestous baby
-A to Z, fits lyrics not concept, sometimes you want to use a lyric because its witty
-vid example: my dear acquaintance by kiki_miserychic, "my dear acquaintance its so good to know you"
-A as multiple levels, kind of mix of the other ones, it can be seen on multiple levels, it has more than one
-vid example: parachute by thingswithwings, "catch me parachute fall", sometimes its literal A to B, it also evolves, it uses A to C, catch me emotional fall, it uses it at same time
-vid example: blue by kuwdora, "blue think feelings", can be used seriously and humorlously
-vid example: who are you defenders of the universe by ohvienna, "love me love you love me", from the americans, bunch of couples who are married and also doing spy stuff with, you see how the love evolves, the key there is the second love me with the flag coming in, the love for the country thats asking them to love them the most
-vid example: white chalk by hollywoodgrrl, "white chalk", white chalk means place of where you live, shes a product of that universe, sticking to the shoe is so important to movie
-A to opposite A, you hear the lyrics and it gives you the opposite
-vid example: its the end of the world as we know it by luminosity, "i feel fine"
-vid example: i do adore by kiki_miserychic, "adore"
-vid example: last train by hollywoodgrrl, "he looked a bit like me", he IS him
-vid example: memories are made of this by kiki_miserychic, "see how the flavor stays, these are the dreams that we will savor", the flavors are memories, its the opposite because hes erasing them
-vid example: blood makes noise by newkidfan, "thickening of fear", fear on a kiss is pretty powerful
-X is Y, more about how to think it, metaphors and symbolism in lyrics a lot of the time, juliet is the sun, it tells us a lot about juliet because everything about the sun can apply to juliet
-if X is Y what else is true
-vid example: land by sweetestdrain, "johnny nose in flames horses", if john connor, what logically would be the horse
-vid example: past the feeling by anoel, "a daughter damage is done too much to ask send me a son", regina from ouat is pov, if shes the pov, who would be her daughter (and then theres like a ton of other stuff)
-vid example: hey ho by thuviaptarth, "merchant kings of war", starts with tony stark being a kid and then it keeps going, military industrial complex, turns from stark to marvel
-vid example: masters of war pegassus riseing remix by bironic, "bombs walls desks i can see through your masks", bombs are A to B, literal bombs, if those are bombs then walls would be shield
-vid example: "i changed the locks but your key your keys still not working", four different vids, some A to B, some A to C, some A to opposite A
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