Vividcon Recs

Aug 21, 2014 20:12

So I am super behind on Vividcon related stuff but I am determined to get things done by next week so here are some Vividcon vid recs. There were SO many amazing vids this year in a million different fandoms and I encourage everyone to check out the masterlist here to see if there were any for sources and songs you may be interested in. These recs are just the ones that worked the most for me and my personal preferences heavily influence the list so even if I don't mention certain vids, it doesn't mean I didn't enjoy them! But here are my favorites:

Fantasy by sisabet (The Mindy Project) - This was the FEELS vid of the con for me and I had to physically restrain myself during Premieres from squee and couldn't help all the happy tears from falling. This captures Mindy's struggle for the fantasy romantic relationship SO WELL and chooses the perfect clips to bring the emotions and structure of it is SO PERFECT and I LOVE IT SO MUCH I CANT EVEN TALK ABOUT JUST *FLAIL*

Immigrant Song by hollywoodgrrl (Vikings) - Out of all the vids at the con, this was the one that impressed me the most visually and left my jaw literally on the floor with the STUNNING ending section that blew my mind with the symbolism and effects and just go join me and watch this a million times. HOLY FUCKING SHIT THIS VID!!!

A Single Man by obsessive24 (A Single Man) - This movie was one of the most beautiful movies I've ever seen and this vid does an AMAZING job at capturing that gorgeous beauty and the emotional journey of the story with beautiful color and parallels and feelings.

***Flawless by kiki_miserychic (Disney Princesses) - This is the Disney vid I ALWAYS wanted and never knew I needed which both celebrates and critiques Disney movies with amazing parallels and interesting commentary and wow, that ending.

Myxomatosis by hollywoodgrrl (Bates Motel) - This was an amazing distillation of everything Bates Motel was trying to do with amazing parallels with Psycho while being an intense character study of Norman and his relationship with Norma and how fucked up it is inside his mind portrayed visually so brilliantly.

Dance Alarm by
thirdblindmouse (The Fast & the Furious series) - This vid is a beautiful kinetic motion showcase of all the things I love about the franchise: the cars, slash, badass women and nonstop action paired with one of my favorite songs.

Vitalum Vitalis by hollywoodgrrl and ohvienna (American Horror Story: Coven) - This is a stunning femslash vid that gave me lots of feelings without ever seeing the show and the use of imagery in this is simply gorgeous and intense.

Chasing Cars by sisabet (Due South) - BRB CRYING!!! This vid destroyed me emotionally during Challenge and even on rewatch, makes me cry so hard with its love for our pets and how much we lean on them when the world sucks and we need someone to love. DIEF!!! <3

Celebration by sweetestdrain (Multi) - This is a seamlessly edited vid of all the music videos featuring amazing female pop divas which is both sexy as fuck and a critique of the music industry in super great ways.

Work Bitch by rhoboat (Reign) - This vid is super pretty with some amazing effects and a certain work it section will never fail to make me laugh with the ridiculousness.

Warrior by findthesea (Marvel Cinematic Universe) - If you would have told me before the con that I'd be reccing a Marvel vid, I would have said no fucking way because I'm super sick of Marvel and superheroes at the moment. BUT this vid was able to convert me because it focuses on all the amazing women in MCU (who should IMO be the real heroes with actual storylines but I digress) and shows all the ways in which they're awesome.

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vidding, vividcon, vid rec

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