Apr 14, 2010 13:26

OMG GLEE ACTUALLY CAME BACK!!! God I am so in love with this show I don't even know what to do with myself. This show is just so perfect for me because I love all the characters and relationships and my only problem is I want MORE of everyone and 42 minutes is not nearly enough time. Give me webepisodes and music videos! Ah this show ♥ Ashley/Glee OTP FOREVER!!

HELLO AGAIN MY BEAUTIFUL SHOW! JONATHAN GROFF AND IDINA MENZEL OMG YAY!!! I am going to start at the beginning because there are simply too many awesome things to start anywhere else.

-"Here's what happened on Glee if you live in a cave or got out of prison." LOL love it, even the previouslys are funny.
-Rachel, Merecedes and Kurt yay!! "We're Glitterati, I feel like Lady GaGa." OMG SO AWESOME! (and true!)
-Oh, Rachel. You try waaaay too hard. Kitty calenders lol. Also, yay basketball!
-"I'm going to donate this to the victims of Hurricane Katrina. They can use it to plug the holes in their trailers." LOL oh Sue you are so mean (hilariously).
-"I won't be burying any hatchets William unless I happen to get a clear shot to your groin." Hahaha. BRING IT. The hair jokes never get old.
-"What do you guys say when you answer the phone?" -"What up, who this be [Artie! <3], no she's dead, this is her son." LOL too good. Oh, Kurt. Also I love Will's little ridiculous lessons.
-Gah why does Will have to be so dreeeeamy? I'm not even into Will/Emma and yet he makes me totally cute them out. "It was like a Pearly White Harbor." Awwww love the play on words. Almost kiss!! I melted.
-"We were seduced by the glitz and glamour of showbiz." Hee, ILU Britney. Ahh I missed Sue scheming.
-Will/Finn!! Thank you for keeping my ship alive. Reminded me of 104. Will supporting Finn and getting out his inner rockstar! And once again the parallels between the two keep coming. Also everytime they say Morrison, I think of Matt Morrison, heh.
-HELLO, I LOVE YOU!! I love that song. And I really loved Finn's voice in this. Great lyric matchups. And love Will cheering for Finn's basket <3 OMG when Finn was being sexy and Kurt's LOOK!! Holy shit, one of the best looks ever. Kurt was like the definition of I want to sex you up fiiire. Mmm Finn/Kurt!
-Brittany/Santana pinky joining! They are so cute and totally a couple, package deal.
-Really, really glad Rachel told him about being honest and Finn actually doing it. Also Finn is right in needing time to himself although obviously he still has issues. Have some fun being single for once! Aww Rachel even if she goes drama queen at the end there.
-Give You Hell!! OMG this was my favorite and EXACTLY why I love Glee so much. I love when the singer gets into it and gets everyone else to sing it. Artie's smiling face! Rachel twirling Kurt!! And him moving far away lol. Puck/Quinn!! Sooo cute. Artie! Mike dancing omg how is he so awesome! Matt dancing and getting into it. Hahaha Will annoyed. I just love seeing (almost) the whole Glee club dancing around. This was just my favorite perfect moment throughout the whole episode. How can such an angry song be so happy?
-OMG JONATHAN GROFF!!!! Spring Awakening co-stars FTW! I knew it was coming but omg seeing him was just sooo amazing. Plus he's totally dreamy and took my breath away when he introduced himself. They've got so much chemistry and he's just perfect. "I've got a full ride to a little university called the University of California-Los Angeles. Maybe you've heard of it? It's in Los Angeles." LA LOVE!! Also, funny. "I remember when I used to get nervous..." Ahaha I love his little putdowns, the arrogance is hilarious as well as the fake giving back stuff.
-HELLO!!! Oh my god, that was beeeeautiful. He has the prettiest voice and his looks and just *melts* I watched this so many times and it doesn't get any less perfect. Duet!! They sound so great together, I can't get over it. And yes, I totally ship Jesse/Rachel now and think they're the ones who should be together at the end of the show. Also I love how the bookstore has a piano (all of them should!) and randomly people playing strings, haha. Why can't this be real life?
-I love how Brittany and Santana carry on their own conversation. And they'll make out together!! I need more of them in an actual relationship, stat. "Did you know that dolphins are just gay sharks?" LOL! I love Britney. Classic.
-Awww Will/Emma dancing! Damnit Will why do you have to be so charming? Even though on rewatch, you come across as an idiot for not remembering this was your previous song! Was surprised by Emma being a virgin at first but now it makes total sense.
-Aww Rachel already has a picture of Jesse in her locker already! I heart you, Rachel. "We're both aware of our Romeo and Juliet romance will be a challenge but our deep respect for each other's talent will carry us through." Hee!! They are totally R&J (without the dying).
-"I once taught a cheerleading seminar to a young Sarah Palin." LOL!! Diss haha. "I am engorged with venom and triumph." LOL Sue love.
-Highway to Heaven!!! OMG so awesome. I love how Glee can gleeify any song. Plus I looove Vocal Adrenaline and their amazing costumes and the FIRE! And Jesse is just so awesome and dramatic. The fire at the end! Perfect.
-IDINA MENDEL!!!! YES YES YES! Knew she was going to be on but man was it good to see her. "I want a look that's so optimistic, it could cure cancer." Hahaha. "...but I also have trouble seeing you guys as competition." LOL love it. She needs to meet Sue stat.
-Idina/Will!! Oh I sooo ship that. Too hot. And that could be a relationship I could actually see Will going for long term, sweet. Even though at first I thought it was a dream (also Rachel-distracting but not a problem b/c I ship that too ;)) because he's so cheating but hey, end of marriage, issues, I'll forgive you Will. "Are you gay?" Hahaha YES YES HE IS. Well bi. Aww I do love her. And I love that she's not so evil that she gives him good advice that he needs to take some time to be single, to get to know himself first.
-"Which loosely translates to murder or be murdered." Hee, of course that's their motto. "We're not saying he's playing you-he's playing you." LOL thank you Kurt. Cause it's obvious that he is.
-Okay the Old Maids Club was not cool but we'll give the show a pass giving that Sue is deliciously evil. Also, wrestling girl continuity! And haha dowry.
-I love Terri sooo much more when she's just pure evil. Take her down, Terri. Also, go Emma! Ouch though, that really sucks about reusing the song.
-"We have to wear sunscreen on stage but it's worth it." Hee. "...and it turns out you're just playing me, I might die. Not literally but Barbara in The Way We Were." Hee I love her. "You're even more of a drama queen than I am." Eeee I love that he thinks of himself that way. Also yay evil Idina watching muahaha.
-So glad Emma was really mature about the song and told him everything he needed to hear to take some time for himself. Two for you, Emma. Also glad that Finn is the one pursuing Rachel now and not the other way around.
-Hello, Goodbye! Love it and so so nice to see music at the end of an episode with everyone again. Ensemble and great costumes! And wow, Emma coming up on the ledge was a great callback to the pilot, just wish Jesse or Idina had come out on the other ledge.

God I missed this show! Overall, a great episode that does a good job getting all the main relationships and new Vocal Adrenaline rival/romance plot going along with fun songs and hilarious line. I LOVE GLEE!!!

Also can we have this geek rocker chick join the show? Because she looks awesome!

OMG SUE DOING VOGUE!!!! Holy fucking crap that was amaaaazing. SUE!!! God the black and white was perfect and then Kurt and Mercedes in suits was SO HOT!! OMG Kurt was fabulous throughout the video and they way they played off each other was amazing. Sue was just so epic and Jane Lynch just nailed the whole thing with all of her amazing outfits. And I loved Sue adding in her own name and Will Schuester: I hate you! Hahaha perfect. It was just so professional and Jane Lynch has that power and regality that totally works. Also the guys were totally hot in it, they do know their audience. Sue and Kurt and Mercedes just totally dominated this one. EPIC!

Also on the plus side is that Glee got amazing ratings last night!! 5.6 for 18-49 year olds which is amaaaazing (like comparable to House/Greys Anatomy/Big Bang Theory amazing) and around 13 million for overall which is a great improvement. I just hope it continues cause I never want this show to end. I like what Ryan Murphy says, they stay in high school forever! It feels so good again to put all the music in one file on repeat. I missed this happiness so much!

On top of that, Adam Lambert was on American Idol last night (and tonight!!) and he was amaaaaazing! God I had forgotten how pretty he was and how freaking hot he is and damn I wish I had a clone of him for myself. Good to see him try to kick some sense into these contestants (don't be boring!! people listen please) but the best moment was definitely when Ryan said, "My tongue is not nearly as talented as yours" and Adam gave this expression:

Yeah, keep talking about blowjobs, Ryan, keep it gay man heh. I could not stop laughing and freaking out at the epicness of that. We all love Adam's tongue, that's for sure :) Also Matt Morrison/Will laughing the background is awesome crossover fun.

Only one more week til new Glee yay!

glee, adam lambert

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