Happy Glee Day! Music and Treme, yay!

Apr 13, 2010 18:13

HAPPY GLEE DAY EVERYONE! I've been in a great mood all day because MY SHOW IS BACK OMGYAY *trumpets and fanfare (probably from Treme) play* I really can't believe I made it this long without it. Even though I did finally give in and watch the promo, I am still super excited. Man it's been so long since I've had this show to make my nights (and the next day/week) so much more full of joy and squee and love and it's good to get it back. And it IS. On tonight at 9:28 after the American Idol with ADAM LAMBERT as the mentor! The night just keeps getting better and better really.

Other great things on premiere week: TREME. Ooh so nice to get a new David Simon show. Everyone should watch this show and here's why:

1) It's a celebration of music! And the triumph of the human spirit and creation and rebirth in the face of disaster. If you like jazz at all, definitely watch.
2) That disaster in particular would be Hurricane Katrina as the show is set in New Orleans three months after it hit. If you want to see what really happened after Katrina, this is the show to watch because David Simon and Co. are ALL about being realistic.
3) It's about New Orleans! All about the city and what makes it so special. If you've ever wanted to learn more about it, this show will *show* you the real thing.
4) Brilliant writing. This is brought to you by David Simon and other writers who wrote The Wire, objectively the best TV show ever created, and you can be sure they did just as good this time around even if the show is definitely different.
5) Great characters, actors and diversity: The actors that played Bunk and Lester are back on this show (and just as amazing) as well as John Goodman and Steve Zahn. And I am totally loving all the female characters as well like Toni and LaDonna and Janette who are all kinds of kickass. And as always, David Simon & Co. are great at representing the demographics of a real city.

Give it a try! It takes some time to get used to as not a lot is explained and things enfold slowly, across episodes but that's the wonderful thing about being treated as an intelligent viewer. It may be useful to turn on closed captions though if you can get it, I'm finding our DVR great for that. Also Treme was renewed for a second season!! Glad the writers and everyone don't have to worry about that.

At the moment I really like the show and I think it has serious potential for a lot of love. I doubt I'll ever not be able to compare it to The Wire but they're definitely two different shows and that's awesome. Treme is more character focused and I have to say I miss the long term plots of The Wire, at least that reveal themselves quicker but after watching the Pilot twice, I am definitely feeling the plots of Treme as well. I'm just willing to be patient to see where it ends up going to. Also in watching it for the first time it reminded me how much I suck at remembering names the first time I watch this kind of show, I honestly could barely remember anybodys name which was quite sad in reading my first review (whose Antoine? god the embarrassment). Second time through with captions, I've got the main characters (mostly). Also in terms of The Wire, I think the difference in the ending scenes says a lot about how they differ with The Wire (spoiler alert) ending with D watching the witness's death (this is the moment that hooked me on The Wire-brilliant) which is a big moment in a plot sense whereas Treme ends on a musical and mood scene that doesn't seem to have much to do with the plot but says a lot about the show as a whole.

I was totally hooked from the pre-credits intro. MUSIC! God, I love it. And man it is totally viddable. I just love the way the camera focuses on the little things as well as the joy of the people playing and dancing in the streets. The kid shots were particularly cute and I loved the guy dancing on top of the car as well. I totally wish there could be second line parades with any kind of music anywhere in the world, not just in NOLA. I want to join in! Weird seeing Bunk again in a different world but Wendall Pierce just has this likable quality about him (or else he gets likable roles) but I totally love him in this and how he spontaneously starts playing his trombone. Looove the funking it up song, so catchy. I find it interesting that the last thing he says is "Play for the money" which seems to replect the reality that musicians need the money most of the times but really play for the love of it as well as the people nearby enjoying it. Also I LOVE the theme song! So perfect and once again catchy *chair dances* And I like the focus on the walls for the names showing that the show is all about the more mundane things in life (interposed with the fun of music of course). Loved the history shots.

I don't know if I like Davis or don't like him yet. Probably both with likability winning out. Seems kind of like McNulty to me, heh. Janette is totally awesome, love that she owns her own restaurant. "It's so quiet, how can you work?" I SAY THIS ALL THE TIME! I just don't understand people who can work without music which is why school policies against music players confound me (and are meant to be broken). Liked the bridge shot, again reminded me of The Wire if only that great last scene. City, yay! Love Creighton (John Goodman)'s first scene, HILARIOUS defending NOLA and trying to throw the camera in the water muahaha. The daughter is also quite cute. Don't know what is up with Davis playing the music super loudly. I don't know whether to be yay, music! or stop being an ass, man. We'll see.

Hahaha the NPR scene was priceless too! The N stands for nuance muahaha. Loved him blowing a fuse. Glad to see Janette's restuarant is doing so good, glad to see business was still doing well even then. Not sure about the Albert/Lester plot but I am intrigued to see where it goes. I really loved seeing the musical interlude in the middle of the pilot, gave a great sense of the characters as well a fun celebration (once again) of music. Also CAT!! Always cool to see a cat on a TV show especially as included as part of the city. Love that Toni is a lawyer (who seems to be be pretty damn good) and that she's working with LaDonna to find her brother (yay for female relationships!). I loved the running Antoine cab joke, too hilarious but too true that if he leaves his trombone there, he'll be BACK for sure. Love Kermit too, he's too funny and love them laughing at him. Elvis Costello being at the bar was pretty cool and loved the look he gave Davis when he said he taught him everything he knew. Hahaha riiight.

"Are you telling me all you want to do is get high, play some trumpet and barbecue in New Orleans your whole damn life?" -"That'll work." LOL I love it! Sounds so like him not to mention something you'd hear also in The Wire. Davis drinking the wine was so not cool and she really needs to get rid of him. Also Jacques seems cool, hope we find out more about him. LOVE Toni flipping out! Oh man after she scolded Creighton, it was too hilarious to see her yelling. Ohh they are so made for each other, hee. Love the ending scene as well, never seen a funeral like that but that's really cool. So pretty with the music. I just love the beautiful, hopeful quality of music even in death which the whole city is dealing with living and otherwise. As well as I love the play for the money coming back at the end. And nice comparison as well as the different leg movements from the beginning. In conclusion, yay Treme! Really can't wait to see where it goes.

On a another note, there is also Ugly Betty whose last episode is tomorrow. It's been making me both very happy and very conflicted. I'm actually glad it's the last episode because I was seriously considering giving it up.

OMG JUSTIN AND AUSTIN!!! Sooooooooo cute. I've been dying watching their scenes together. First, the KISS!! So freaking cute I could have died. And so finally after Justin was confused. They cute me out so bad. And then I just love the Marc and Justin scenes beyond reason. I have never seen a gay mentor scene like this and Marc just turns into the sweetest guy when he's with him. I love how he's all excited for Justin to come out to him and he keeps getting denied and even then he still supports him with Lily. But yeah, the coming out scene was also amazing. They make me squee like no other and I love how they've set this up since S1. And then the wedding!! OMG BEST DANCE SINCE Jack/Jack!! I was just dying, dying!! It was like every dream of mine coming true. And it was just so brave of Justin. Also I have to say I am soooo glad Marc stopped the coming out party, that was all kinds of cringe inducing falling under never ever out someone umbrella. But yeah, that dancing was too cute as well as Justin with his mom. Justin's family is just the best when it comes to accepting families. I felt so bad with Marc with his mother :(

Also SAL!!! Sal, Bryan Batt from Mad Men!! OMG that was a squee moment. And I loved him being setup as Marc's date, too cute as well as him with Amanda. Glad he's sticking around to be her dad, that was a great reveal moment. Also Henry!! OMG he was sooo cute. For a moment there, I thought I actually might get a happy Betty/Henry ending. They'll always be my favorites and I still have hope that once Betty comes back from London or wherever, they'll get the timing right and finally be together. It's just something I know! Awww I miss them.

But then they had to spoil it for me with the ewwwwww inducing Daniel/Betty scenes. I mean the wedding looks? Ughhh I could barely look. It was like watching Clana again, I just don't see any chemistry whatsoever not to mention awkward and just no. And it seems even worse that NOW Daniel is interested only after she's been "beautified". I knew it was coming, although I hoped I still had some time, but god it was much worse than I thought. And I'm still pissed off that the creator lied when he said it'd never happen. Good reminder to never trust interviews. Since there's only one more episode, I'll watch it but god I couldn't take any more of that so I'm glad it's the last. And hopefully Marc will find a boyfriend! More gay please, kthx.

Random things:
-Adobe Flash is totally awesome and I love it a LOT
-The Big Bang Theory was HILARIOUS last night, I love Sheldon so much I can't even say.
-Bidding for Sweet Charity vids ends tomorrow I think so go vid on all the great vidders!
-Someone randomly gifted me with a Dreamwidth account! I am touched and happy, mostly about the icon space. My only problem with Dreamwidth now (besides general laziness) is I can't find a Generator style and I just can't live without my Generator that I've had since 2003. Sometimes change is not good, you know? Anyone know of one?

the wire, ugly betty, treme, glee, adam lambert

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