October, one

Oct 01, 2011 21:14

It's October, and I'm doing a thing again. This is day one of that thing. :)

Today I got up early and while I had my tea I went through a bunch of little bits of paper that had accumulated on my desk. 90% of them went into the trash, yay! After that we went to the green market, where we bought just a little--two bunches of radishes and some bok choi--but I talked to the organic apple grower about how to get a large quantity of apples so most likely next weekend I'll take ownership of a bushel of jonathans. The best thing I made from our two bushels of apples two years ago was a great apple chutney, so I'm going to start with more of that.

(Hmm, I guess I should clear my calendar for next weekend if I'm going to be canning. I also want to make apple sauce and apple butter. Possibly I shouldn't try that all on the same weekend? But APPLES! \\o//)

After the green market I took a two-hour nap. VERY ACCOMPLISHMENT.

I spent the rest of the afternoon making squinty-faces at CSS while I tried to remember what the hell I know about it. Not much, it looks like!

Today in summary:
Tea Units 1 black with goat milk, 1 rooibos, 1 cup of dandelion stuff
Pastry Units: 4 gluten-free chocolate chip cookies :D
Nap Units: 2 hours
Writing: This post; hacked at some CSS.

Goals for tomorrow:

- Finish binding off shawl
- Write fiction for at least 30 minutes
- Master CSS, hah

This post originated on Dreamwidth, where it has
comments. Comment here or there.

my tragic existence, rl, daily, food

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