Fandom: the High School!

Jun 09, 2006 16:20

So I was talking with ew_younerd about fandom, which is always a bad idea, when it occurred to me: fandoms can be characterized as high school cliches! So I decided to try it. I was going to friendslock this, but then I realized that if the Swedish trolls want to come, let them!

So let's see.
Dramatis Personae )

twisted, funny, fandom

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rampant_geekery June 9 2006, 21:30:30 UTC
OMG! I Love Fllay, hate Neo, and bash Fukuda, Morosawa more, too! *soulmates*


annwyd June 9 2006, 21:35:08 UTC
OMG! We can be horrible no-good "don't even really like the series" (according to yzak) fans together!

I just hate Neo so much because Mwu was my favorite character in SEED. :(


rampant_geekery June 10 2006, 00:10:50 UTC
Honestly, is it OUR faults Destiny sucked? And ruined my two favorite characters. *smokes elisit pipe*


annwyd June 10 2006, 00:31:49 UTC
Didn't you hear? It goes like this:

Bashing Tolle is like kicking puppies. Shipping Dearka/Miriallia is bashing Tolle. Therefore, Dearka/Miriallia fans kick puppies!

Bashing Meyrin is like drowning kittens. Shipping Athrun/Cagalli is bashing Meyrin. Therefore, Athrun/Cagalli fans drown kittens!

Fukuda and Morosawa heard about all these kicked puppies and drowned kittens, and they decided that in retribution, they would make Destiny suck! Duh!


rampant_geekery June 10 2006, 01:15:22 UTC
OFF TOPIC: I can't stand AsuMey. Over at the AsuMey community they have %0 reasons to like the pairing, most of them make me want to rip my hair out.


annwyd June 10 2006, 01:33:57 UTC
I saw. Most of the reasons are basically "Reasons Why We Hate Athrun/Cagalli" rather than reasons for Athrun/Meyrin. "Teehee, Meyrin makes Athrun look like a man!" Sorry, honey, but no. It takes a lot more than a cute girl to make Athrun look like a man. "They never tried to kill each other!" Yeah, that's why it's boring compared to Athrun/Cagalli. "She's the only woman who didn't choose something else over him!" Because all girls must sacrifice everything for their man!

Ugh. I'm sure Meyrin is adorable and all--I haven't seen Destiny yet--but given Athrun's history, I seriously doubt he has any interesting romantic tension with her, and I just do not like breaking up the OT4. :|


rampant_geekery June 10 2006, 01:47:18 UTC
Meyrin is really very adorable. And she's a decent character, given what little development she got. And there was NO romantic tension AT ALL. Seriously, I swear to God, if I hear "OMG CAGALLI SUKS SHE CHOSE HER COUNTRY OVER HER MAN!!!" I will scream.


annwyd June 10 2006, 01:55:21 UTC
I'll probably like Meyrin just fine when I do get around to subjecting myself to Destiny.

Assuming I can stomach Neo. I just dread the visceral reaction of "YOU FUCKERS CHARACTER-RAPED MY FAVORITE" that I'll get merely from seeing and hearing him. :|


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