Fandom: the High School!

Jun 09, 2006 16:20

So I was talking with ew_younerd about fandom, which is always a bad idea, when it occurred to me: fandoms can be characterized as high school cliches! So I decided to try it. I was going to friendslock this, but then I realized that if the Swedish trolls want to come, let them!

So let's see.
Dramatis Personae )

twisted, funny, fandom

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Comments 30

deidarachan June 9 2006, 20:52:21 UTC
Omg, that rules. And it's too true, too!


rampant_geekery June 9 2006, 21:30:30 UTC
OMG! I Love Fllay, hate Neo, and bash Fukuda, Morosawa more, too! *soulmates*


annwyd June 9 2006, 21:35:08 UTC
OMG! We can be horrible no-good "don't even really like the series" (according to yzak) fans together!

I just hate Neo so much because Mwu was my favorite character in SEED. :(


rampant_geekery June 10 2006, 00:10:50 UTC
Honestly, is it OUR faults Destiny sucked? And ruined my two favorite characters. *smokes elisit pipe*


annwyd June 10 2006, 00:31:49 UTC
Didn't you hear? It goes like this:

Bashing Tolle is like kicking puppies. Shipping Dearka/Miriallia is bashing Tolle. Therefore, Dearka/Miriallia fans kick puppies!

Bashing Meyrin is like drowning kittens. Shipping Athrun/Cagalli is bashing Meyrin. Therefore, Athrun/Cagalli fans drown kittens!

Fukuda and Morosawa heard about all these kicked puppies and drowned kittens, and they decided that in retribution, they would make Destiny suck! Duh!


emlan June 9 2006, 21:58:57 UTC
Ahahaha lord the bleach one ♥ Also OP ♥♥

Also I'm swedish too but I'm not a if they don't show up again I can shout some insults for good measure!


annwyd June 9 2006, 22:04:06 UTC
Really I hear OP has like, the world's only sane fandom?? It is amazing, and I almost fear it is too good to be true. (What would I do in a fandom that's sane? I would have nothing to make ANGRY RANTS about!)

And oh that makes me feel so special ♥


emlan June 9 2006, 22:16:02 UTC
Depends on where you are looking, sometimes when I surf forums I stumble over dangerous hotspots :'< But overall it is very dandy, specially on what I've seen on LJ.
+ An almost eerie lack of rabid ship fighting :D

How can you tell a IP is swedish though? Is it listed? I've never poked around with them things.


annwyd June 9 2006, 22:19:02 UTC
I used a tracing program :D Depending on how I queried it came out either as coming from Malmoet, Sweden, or Somewhere In Germany, but I went with "Swedish troll" because that sounds funnier. Sort of like "Swedish meatball."


(The comment has been removed)

annwyd June 10 2006, 01:36:00 UTC
I know! Fandomfic would be the best ever. There could be a fic about how D.Gray-man fandom is the new kid in school and all the older fandoms are trying to corrupt her! OH THE COMEDY!


bunnynumber13 June 10 2006, 01:12:06 UTC
"Fullmetal Alchemist fandom is that seriously unhinged kid who runs around setting things on fire. It doesn't matter how many times he's reprimanded for it or how many psychiatrists he sees. He just likes seeing that puppy burn."

Wow, you know my little brother? LOL. j/k


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