Date: 19 June 2003
Character(s): Fred and George Weasley
Location: WWW Redux
Status: Private, me thinks
Summary: Fred and George go hottubbing
Completion: Incomplete
It had been a long day at Wheezes. Monthly inventory had been taken and the books balanced and George was happy to see that he and Fred's little business venture was turning a profit already. Start up costs had been absorbed and their inventory flow seemed to be a bit short which meant they were selling alot of items but also that he and Fred would need to look into restocking the shelves and spending some time doing some spell work to build up their stock again.
Overall, it was good news and George felt for the first time since they opened the store that he could breathe. Of course, it was even better because he and Katie had made up and he found himself falling in love with her more and more each day. It was a bit scary though, even more so with the uncertainty of having a child or children but he had found his peace with the impending birth of he and Katie's babies and even more so, advancing things with Katie beyond sleeping over and such.
He did have one worry though and that was Fred. It seemed the two of them were getting along well enough but there was something missing and he could see it in Fred's eyes that there was something going on that he wasn't telling George. He worried about this because his twin had learned to keep things from George and even if he knew that Fred wasn't disclosing things to protect George in a way, it was frustrating because they shared everything...well, not everything because that would just be kinda wrong.
But thoughts and feelings were a bond they always had and in many ways, George missed that about them but he realized their dynamic had changed and it was mostly his fault. But he knew it didn't mean things were worse...just different and he'd need to get used to this new order. That's why he'd sent the staff home early and then spent some time puttering around the shop before he came up with a plan shortly after closing.
He didn't know if it was a good plan but it was a plan nonetheless and as he stood gazing through the haze of steam at the eddies and whirls of the hot water that filled the jacuzzi he'd conjured up, George thought to himself that this was just what they needed, some time alone. Even if it was in the middle of their store. George looked over at the cooler and saw that it was filled with ale which was always a good thing. He smiled because he had some time since Katie was doing some research and after he transfigured his clothes into a yellow speedo with huge smiley face on the arse along with a pair of diver's flippers and a mask and a snorkel, George yelled toward the backroom. "Get your arse out here, Fred. We're going for a soak!"